Friday, January 8, 2010


And I march onward with the "Yvonne" pattern from CocoKnits. I guess I must still be a little frustrated by my occasional interpretation issues, since last night I kept having dreams that people in my family were really getting my goat. To the extent where I woke up determined I was going to call one of them and give them what for, because how DARE they do what they'd been doing in my dream.... then I remembered I'd only been dreaming, and that calling them out for their activities in my sleep would probably only cause a huge amount of confusion. Especially in the middle of the night. Unfortunately I did apparently punt my husband once in the middle of it too. Not teribly hard though. ((PHEW)).

I'm off onto my second ball of "Rowan Wool-Cotton", and that feels like it's going fast, but then I'm increasing in the round, so of course it's going to. I still love the feel of this yarn, and the color. I think it's going to make a fantastic vest, in spite of my difficulty getting my head around the terms in the patern, and the placement of some definitions. It's definitely not a hard pattern once you get your head around the lay out and the abbreviations, so if this one comes out well I'd love to talk my husband into letting me pick some colors and make one for myself.

Well... I'll try on the finished project first and see if it looks ok. THEN I'll see about making Bambi Eyes at my husband.

Other plans for the day? I dunno, maybe finally catch up on some of the sleep I've been missing, or do some baking. We'll see.

Edit: Added a fish gadget at the top just for fun...and because I'll admit I'm sappy and I thought it was cute. I used to keep a fish tank but really I guess I'm not the type who gets so into my fish that I actually enjoy being elbow deep in stinky water. I'll stick to occasionally cleaning cat boxes.

1 comment:

  1. You get credit for naming my blog. :) Your comment about hunters stalking gnomes was just the inspiration I needed!
