Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hagravens don't take rejection well

 We got a copy of Skyrim earlier in the month: Tilmani and I both have characters, though he's played more than I have... which lead to the interesting discovery that inspired the title.

 Hagravens in Skyrim, if you don't know, are pretty much exactly what they sound like. Part Hag, part Raven, and they're generally unpleasant characters, as probably anyone would be if you looked wrinkled, bent, grouchy and feathered. Anyway, Tilmani's character... named Tilmani, got drunk, and apparently one of the things he did while drunk was go get a wedding ring and propose to this delightful woman he'd met while smashed out of his mind. The jeweler was happy to inform us how he'd described the most ROMANTIC of evenings in the moonlight, and let us know she'd take the ring back if we weren't engaged, but sounded a bit less than approving that he didn't seem to remember any of this. ((Surprise surprise.))

 So we cruise around for a while and he finally gets around to finding out who he went and got engaged to while drunk and when we get to the area, the lovely beautious lady is... a HagRaven.

 A Hagraven who is VERY. VERY. Angry when asked to return the ring (the only option the game gives you on this front... sadly... otherwise I think this could be kind of awesome.) And she attacks on the spot. Tilmani won, though since he'd JUST been fighting a equally angry dragon (maybe it knew the Hagraven?), it was a little on the close side. Don't know where the rest of this particular quest will go but that was a rather funny discovery.

 So yeah apparently HagRavens don't handle rejection well. Sorry lady.

Monday, February 13, 2012

I think you just cost yourself your point

So I've been following some arguments about a rather controversial video. You may have seen it. It's the one where the guy's daughter decides she's a 'slave' because she has to make her bed, clean the counters, and take out the trash,and in return gets nothing but her own laptop, cell phone, food, shelter, clothing and education...
 Ok you can probably guess I wasn't thrilled about the kids behavior and I highly disagree that it's normal. ((You can become independent of your parents without slandering and lying and failing to acknowledge what they do for you. You really can. It's amazing.))

 Anyway the guy's gone viral because he read her really horrible, slanderous bitchfest letter to them on video and destroyed her lap top. With his gun. Which is from a certain perspective the very extreme equivalent of throwing away a kids crayons because they won't stop drawing on the wall.

 I can see where this would freak people the fuck out. I can. Peoples idea of what constitutes appropriate parenting has changed a lot from when we ourselves were growing up, but really thats not what I'm here to write about.

I have my own opinions on if he was right, wrong, or right but over the top, but some of the people in the 'wrong' camp...

 I think they kind of seriously cost themselves their point when they compared the destruction of an inanimate object to RAPE or BEATING YOUR WIFE. I also think it's kind of bull that they think it's ok for the kid to say horrible horrible lies about their parents ((I mean where's the fine line on that one? When does it stop being ok to make up stuff about someone because you're angry?)) But really.

 Don't compare things to rape UNLESS IT'S RAPE.

 When you do that you've completely gone off the fucking tracks, especially over something like this,and you have pretty much LOST. THE POINT. In fact you have actively damaged the chances of anyone siding with you because they're probably sitting back wondering what the fuck they just read.

 I was. I mean hell. I'm as fascinated by an argument as any typical internet voyeur, but that? I draw the line at that bullshit.

 ((Oh and apparently before anyone freaks out: the guy has in fact been investigated and everyone seems to be ok. Including the "poor poor abused girl who lost her laptop." It's the internet that can't let the whole thing go. Wow. What a surprise. Although perhaps for her an even better way of demonstrating that NOTHING on the internet is really private than having her dad discover the letter was.))