Friday, July 30, 2010

Rose tinted Glassess

I switched my blog skin again. I'm kinda curious to see if anyone wants to give me any feed back if they like this one better or not, but I doubt anyone will react.

It's finally Friday. Yay Friday! Even though I'm a Stay at Home Mom ((Referred to as a SAHM on Ravelry.)) I still look forward to it. It's slightly SLIGHTLY more down time for me because there's an extra pair of hands around. That and we're going to be going bed shopping this weekend I think. We kinda need to. There's a cool storage-bed frame we spotted and kind of like, so I hope that works out. Depends how much it costs I guess.

Read MiniMonster some Dr. Seuss last night, that was fun. He seemed to get a kick out of it.
I admit I don't really remember noticing some of the stories being as strong statements as they kind of actually are... like the Lorax.

It made me think that Grandma S. ((Who says she doesn't like the tail end of MASH because it's "Too Left Wing".)) probably doesn't remember that element either or I don't think she'd have been as excited as we both were to find the thirteen story Seuss collection. I suspect that the Lorax, also, is too "Left Wing" for her taste, though if you stop and think about the message is more than -just- environmental.

If no one cares, nothing changes. That goes the same for pretty much any element in your life.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Insane Products for Kids

Ok recently Grandma S., Ende and I went shopping, and we ended up trolling the toy section looking for stuff that might be fun for Mini monster.

I gotta add: It is RIDICULOUS how much stuff these days is almost completely battery operated. We are not teaching our kids these days to have an imagination, we are teaching them to hit a button like a monkey to set off an Rube Goldberg machine of reactions from a toy.

I just don't see how thats very educational... or terribly fun. You can't alter the pattern in which things happen, you can't make up your own songs on the little toy piano, the toy hammer comes with crazy musical sound effects, the big plastic safe set of cars and tracks is all motorized and mechanized and leaves no room for little kid "Vroom Vrooms"...

I don't remember if it was this bad when I was little but maybe thats why I liked stuffed animals so much. They're very 'make your own special effects'. ((On the other hand if I ever come up with the willpower to actually consecutively make kids toys and sell them on Etsy, I know there are probably at least five other people out there like me who want their kids to be able to play with something that doesn't require batteries.))

And then there's this article:

...I wonder about the world sometimes.

Sleepy Daze

I've been feeling kinda sluggish, and I think Mini's feeling the same way. He's snoozing in his play pen after a big breakfast of baby-oatmeal, though he seems to be having rough dreams. Poor guy.
He's working hard on trying to crawl still, but hasn't quite gotten there yet. I think he'll surprise us one of these mornings though.

It's sorta hot in the house so I'll go pop open some windows and doors eventually, but I've also gotta go do some food shopping.

Otherwise on the geek front I've been playign a Dragonriders RP on a PG 13 board, and I really gotta wonder: Why would anyone suggest dropping STD's into an PG-13 board. That's begging to get your ass kicked by a mod. AND it's kinda... yeah.

I understand wanting to challenge your roleplay skills by taking on something difficult, but really, I somehow see it turning, far too fast, into something thats just 'for the lulz', and not 'Hoshit horrible body rotting brain destroying plague', or some such. I mean ok so the original author supposedly gave one of her characters something that everyone thinks was Syphilis, but, IDK if you guys know this, with Mediaeval technology, THAT. WOULD. SUCK.

I mean I'm pretty sure it would suck anyway, but even more so with pretty shitty medical technology. Not funny, don't want it, lets move along please.