Friday, July 23, 2010

Orange You Happy?

Tilmani took the day to work at home, that was a really nice change, so we got his work done from home and did stuff around the house, and then we got some time to chill out together. Still didn't get out to go look for a new bed, but we got other stuff done like some basement and yard work, and gave Mini Monster a bath.

He really really really hates the bath, and we're not quite sure why, since he's fine with sitting in water, but he hates the shower head and he hates even looking at water running from the spiggot. I think part of the project for the week, (And I anticipate soaked pants for this), will be seeing if I can get him to be more comfortable with the tub. I don't really want the poor guy to be traumatized by the tub, when it should be fun, or at least relaxing.

Otherwise I think we might have some bluejays nesting in one of the trees, but I'm not really sure. Hm.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


F-you, teething.
Mini Monster must be getting a lot closer to cutting a tooth, because he's getting increasingly unhappy, unfortunately at very random intervals. Last night he was up most of the night at hour long intervals. I don't know how long I can survive if he keeps doing that.

We just gave him some Nighttime Oragel since we haven't landed an alternative. He's still not fond of the taste but it helped him a little, so he relaxed a little. X_X

Thank god for that anyway. *facedesk*

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You may have noticed I just changed my background again: Apparently '' is pulling the design I was using. Damn. <:c This one will do for right now, but I might look around some more. Shabbyblogs does some pretty cute stuff, but I really liked what I had, darn it. Otherwise things are going pretty well. Mini Monster just went down for a nap after wearing himself out. Breakfast was Blueberry Yogurt, and Lunch was Hearty Vegetable Stew. I was a little worried that his stuffy sounding nose might mean he had an alergy... but no. Apparently it just meant he'd stored something up his nose... which he was more than happy to share with me after giggling hysterically at the web game 'Sushi Cat'. ...Yeah trust me. It was gross. Not the Sushi Cat, the huge bworp of stuff that came out his nose, though he sounded considerably less congested thereafter. So nice of him to share. 8p He's fine though. Miraculously so's my shirt. His shirt on the other hand I could probably wring out from all the drool, a couple small rounds of spit up, and gworp. And he still hasn't cut that dang tooth. Poor kid.