Everyone probably remembers my major gripe about trying to find kids toys that don't require a small forest of batteries these days, or that actually require some degree of imagination.
I admit my frustration has been reawakened by surfing ETSY. I found a gorgeous toy maker via Deviant Art (They got a Daily Deviation) and they make incredible little stuffed toys...
...Which are all designed to go in a display case and 'aren't for anyone under thirteen'.
Also they're all at least a hundred dollars.
...Why the HELL is it so hard these days to find stuffed toys that don't move or have batteries and are ACTUALLY FOR CHILDREN? It seems like toys which require imagination are an endangered species, and I find that really upsetting. I mean if someone wanted to use one of the toys I made as a display item, sure, cool, that's their prerogative, but unless I'm knitting it out of Silk Yarn, I kind of design my toys with the idea of appealing to children and the young at heart. Is that so wrong?