We had our rpg game again for the first time in a few weeks yesterday. MiniMonster spent a fair amount of it relegated to his playpen or to his room because he absolutely could not/would not stay out of trouble.
Game was fun, and the Dice-Gods decided to show me their great favor at some pretty opportune times, resulting in some really amazing results and a fair amount of Out-Of-Character hilarity.
We served up some Honey-Hoisin chicken made in the crock pot, a pretty straight forward recipie from a new cook book I picked up. Turtle and Bear really liked it, Tilmani and I thought it was decent, but not the most amazing thing we'd had.
NomNom apparently thought it was one of the most vile substances ever to grace the earth, waking me up in the night with general nausea and plenty of gas, and a nice round of revenge of NomNom when I got up this morning.
Needless to say I don't think I'll be making Hoisin Chicken again any time too soon. X_X
MiniMonster seems to be coming down with a bit of a cold, dripy nose, reduced appetite and general cuddly blahs, poor guy. I gave him a little breakfast, some snuggles, and tucked him back to bed, wouldn't mind doing the same myself but I've got things to do today.
Now if I could just find the motivation.