Friday, May 14, 2010

Big Diaper is out to Get you

So my mom keeps forwarding me articles on the Papers DryMax debate.

I'm sure you all know this one: "I know she means well... but."

So far Mini Monster hasn't had any problems with these diapers, and what I've heard about sounds as much like a diaper rash from leaving the diaper on too long as a 'chemical burn'.

Besides I'm a bit leery of a facebook crusade (which this has become) . I mean maybe if there were links of people actually confirming that it was a chemical burn I'd be less skeptical but I haven't seen one.

I'll definitely continue to monitor, but he finds these diapers comfortable, and no wonder since they don't feel so crinkly and plastic as most others we've tried, so I'm loathe to jump on a band wagon without knowing where it's going.

Especially when monitoring web forums shows people mostly seeing 'diaper rash' at best, if anything, and he loudest complaints were a group of people who rally exclusively to cloth diapers, to the extent where they've developed a 'Big Diaper is Out to Crush Us' mentality that fortunately seems to be limited. ((Yes folks, the booming diaper industry has nothing better to do than seek you out and destroy you for using cloth. Yes the studies that show that the impact of either is actually about the same are clearly fabricated to mock you. You're right, you're not paranoid they really are out to get you... yeah yeah.))

Extremists are just kinda scary. I mean really? It's a diaper. If you have an issue, please! Investigate it for yourself. Then tell me what it turns out to really be.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


So I did screw up a little bit: I overcooked the BBQ and the taste came out a little too vinegar. X_X My bad.

Fortunately I did get the chance to catch up on my sleep. Tilmani took over with the Mini Monster around eight and I crawled into bed and stayed there. I had some pretty weird dreams, but I -really- needed the sleep.

No matter how much of a super mom you try and be, it comes down to the fact that people -need- a certain amount of sleep, and we react badly when we don't get it.

Fortunately I have super-dad to give me a hand. X_X

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kitchen Nightmares

Not the show.

Mothers day was kinda fun, we made brunch for 'The Grandmothers', and hung out. Then I made some not so fun Chicken in a BBQ sause from the store. ((Generic store brand chipotle something. It boiled over and got all over the bottom of the stove. X_X))

The next day I started to make meatloaf, only to find out from the smoke rising up through the burners that: YEP. I forgot to clean out the bottom of the stove. We aired out the house and reheated potato soup.

The next day: I tried to cook the meatloaf (Which we put in the fridge after smoke started coming out of the stove) and it didn't cook all the way through the first time around. Tilmani took over after that and we got it cooked the rest of the way through and kept the potatoes warm.

Needless to say the third day was largely spent (pre dinner time) cleaning out the inside of the stove.

That was a LOT of cleaning, and Mini Monster sadly wasn't all that interested in me doing the cleaning, since he REALLY wanted an audience for his increased mobility. He hasn't flipped over yet but he's damn good at lifting his rear end and shoving himself around. He seems thrilled with this ability, and DANG that kid has strong legs.

Tonight at least should go without disaster: I'm not using the stove. I'm using the crock pot.
It's a bastardized version of vinegar BBQ and I recomend it: Put your chicken ((I used breasts or strips)) in the crock pot. Pour apple cider vinegar until the chicken is fully covered ((You may also add some water, but you want more vinegar than water.))
Add a packet of dry italian dressing mix. ((Increase the packets per the amount of chicken, I'm only cooking a lb or two.)) Drizzle honey over the chicken in the crockpot. Add black and red pepper to your discression. Cook on low until the chicken can be broken apart with a fork.

This can be eaten as is: or you can make a sauce by combining drippings, ketchup, and your favorite hot sauce in a bowl to make a thin mixture the chicken can be stirred into after being chunked up.

Before you ask me for more specifics, my tiny handful of viewers, I'm sorry to say I don't really have any more specifics, my cooking tends to be 'by eye' or 'to taste'. Just remember that the more chicken you want to cook, the longer it will really need to cook, and alot yourself the according amount of time. The same recipie can also be made in a regular oven, but you'll want deep sides, and it won't become quite as easy to rip apart.
Both versions are delicious though.