Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Poor Mini Monster has been suffering from some uncomfortable gas the last couple days, and unfortunately I don't think thats a coincidence, since one of the people who's had a chance to feed him seems to study at a different school of baby feeding, so keeps taking the bottle away at short intervals. Unfortunately when he's hungry, this makes Mini go berserk, and he hyperventilates and cry's... gulping air in the process... and then has trouble getting rid of it.

Fortunately we managed to get him to shed most of it last night and all of us actually got some sleep for a change, even though he did end up in bed with us so we could keep an eye on him. Not that he minded.
(He tried to take over my half of the bed again.)

So once we get that sorted out I'll hopefully be able to get back to doing some knitting on the side, instead of constantly dealing with the poor kid burping and fussing.

Still thinking of selling some of my toys on Etsy, and if I get good enough maybe I can sell some in the local shops. That would be pretty cool. Though I'm still amazed at some of the price tags for stuff on Etsy. @_@ I don't think I've got the confidence to charge fifty bucks for a knitted toy, not unless it was made from some REALLY amazing yarn.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So I'm really tired today. Mini Monster kept me up most of the night for one reason or another. He's sleeping right now but I need to get some cooking done, so thats what I'm doing. Or rather I've interupted myself doing to post a blog for a change.

I'm still working on my "Adventure!" campaign, though I've gotta get some copies made of the character sheets and try and break out the relevant information for people. The problem with that book is that while entertaining, they've spread out the information so it's difficult to find. *sigh*

While the story parts are interesting, it's a little exasperating to have to read through half the book to find the different sections required to actually MAKE a character.

Otherwise I'll be taping some graph paper together and trying to mark out an pattern idea based on the fable Rose Red and Snow White.
((And just to show you how tired I am, I almost typed Rose White and Snow Red. That's an whole nother fairy tale altogether. ;) ))