Wednesday, August 25, 2010

... I want a long relaxing QUIET soak in the tub, with bubbles, a peanut butter sandwich, and a Smirnoff Blueberry Lemonade.

... Did I mention Quiet?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Snoozers gonna Snooze

Taken in the parking lot after a shopping trip. Mini fell asleep in his Aunt's arms when she took over carrying him so I could make a dash for the ladies room.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Roxy and Short Rows

I just started working on my "Roxy Fox and her Pups" kit by KnitPicks, which I don't think is available any more or I'd provide people a link to the pattern.
((The tutorial's are still up though.))

The yarn is crazy soft and INSANELY fluffy, so it's like trying to knit my cat, ((A Himalayan)) but that wasn't where things went wrong.

Nope I screwed up around row 21 where the 'Short Rows' start. I saw the term and had no idea what they were talking about. All I saw was that stitches were decreasing and I had NO idea where the hell they were going. Were we decreasing them? Putting them on holders? What was happening? I had NO idea. It was infuriating and frustrating, and I completely screwed up. Then the fuzzy nature of the Suri Dream made it pretty much impossible to 'frog' what I'd done. So more frustration right there.

I stomped around for half an hour being enraged at the world and at my failure to comprehend what was required, and wondering if I'd just totally wasted my money, and wondering how another lady in my knitting group had actually suceeded at making this clearly diabolical knitting project.
Even better, my theoretically comprehensive knitting dictionary DID NOT include the term 'short row'.

Finally I got my temper cooled down enough to check online.

Knitpicks had a tutorial for short rows on YouTube.

It was one of those moments where you feel incredibly enlightened...and incredibly STUPID at the same time.