Friday, June 22, 2012

((EDIT: Updated: Actually Ravelry has over 2,000,000 members. I checked after I wrote.))

 There was some rather exciting drama unfolding over at Ravelry recently after the General Council of the United States Olympic Committee sent a snarky note to the owners of Rav a note saying that the people of Ravelry were not allowed to refer to the non profit, Olympic support knit along as "Ravelymics"

 This particular event has been going on yearly for some time, and consists of people getting together to watch the Olympics, support the athletes, and do their own version of going that extra mile by trying to say, knit a whole sweater in two weeks, or similar intense projects. It's always been in good fun and a way for people to try and get into the spirit of things, but apparently that was an issue this year since the General Council sent that note, which included this very well thought out turn of phrase.

 "We believe using the name “Ravelympics” for a competition that involves an afghan marathon, scarf hockey and sweater triathlon, among others, tends to denigrate the true nature of the Olympic Games. In a sense, it is disrespectful to our country’s finest athletes and fails to recognize or appreciate their hard work." 

Yeah. Yeah they said that.   I thought it was classy too. This is almost on par with them deciding that they could pull the carpet on the group who got permission to hand sew pillows for the athletes, put in the work and man hours, then got told OOP. SORRY. WE CHANGED OUR MINDS. NO CAN DO. HANDMADE STUFF IS JUST SO TACKY IT CHEAPENS THE EXPERIENCE. ((And the McDonalds sponsorship makes it just look so cool.))

 They took a lot of egg on the face for that too, so you'd have thought they'd have started running their choices through a few more filters, but apparently not. Nope, they decided that a craft a long, which has brought people to watch who otherwise had no interest in the Olympics, was not only theoretically copyright infringement and 'diluting the brand' but actually insulting.

 Is this a good time to mention that Ravelry has something like five million members at this point? And that a majority of them got REALLY. REALLY FUCKING MAD?

 Anyway. The Council issued another statement, which I think boiled down to "Oops, sorry." And it sounds like the Ravelympics will continue as planned, along with an entirely half assed apology. Here it is folks. 

“As a follow-up to our previous statement on this subject, we would again like to apologize to the members of the Ravelry community. While we stand by our obligation to protect the marks and terms associated with the Olympic and Paralympic Movements in the United States, we sincerely regret the use of insensitive terms in relation to the actions of a group that was clearly not intending to denigrate or disrespect the Olympic Movement. We hope you’ll accept this apology and continue to support the Olympic Games.”

 Apparently also the original statement was over the signature of someone who was supposedly an intern... so apparently they're trying to say that they just let their interns send out rude statements willy nilly. That seems a bit bogus since letting an person in training send out LEGAL DOCUMENTS without reviewing them is just BEGGING for a world of self inflicted pain. That's like swinging a baseball bat at your knee just to see what will happen. The answer is pretty much always 'something bad'. In this case it's a few million still really annoyed knitters, many of which have now been left with a big nasty taste in their mouth and a lack of desire to have anything to do with the actual Olympics.

 Personally I'm just damned impressed that this is the second time that these guys have taken a big PR hit and apparently haven't learned much. Maybe we'll see something a bit classier down the road... but I think my money is on "Gigantic PR train wreck and the McLympic Burger with bacon and extra cheese."

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Wild Pixiemama visits!

 We had a visitor yesterday! Well technically we've been planning it for a little while, though I kind of half wonder if Tilmani actually noticed since he always forgets I write almost everything down on the calendar, which he never looks at in spite of it being on the wall at head height and huge.  Apparently he's not the only person in the universe who does this, but it is kind of funny.

 Anyway, PixieMama is a friend from college, who I pretty much haven't seen since her daughter was about Beans age. Her daughter is now... 12 I think? I'm probably getting that wrong.

 We've talked since then, just not gotten together, so we finally arranged for her to drop in on her way back from jumping through hoops in the Surrogacy Circus. ((She's getting ready to be a Surrogate mom for the second time, which is totally badass of her and you can check her out in my sidebar links under Adventures in Surrogacy.))

 But yeah, she visited and it was a blast! I spent far too much time apologizing, which for me is kind of normal but I'm working on it, we had take out pizza, and the kids thought she was AMAZING.
 She even put up with me yarn geeking. ((I did refrain from displaying the ENTIRE stash... just a significant chunk of it.)) and she picked some yarn she liked for a cowl that I'm going to make her. She picked out the "Hologram Moth" colorway from Sanguine Gryphon, and we found some cool sort of earthy browny-purpley-bronzy beads that actually look really good with it, since the yarn while mostly green has hints of a similar browny-purply-bronze. All in all great because I wasn't actually sure what to do with either, until we arrived at that project and they just sorta clicked. Sometimes going with your gut on craft stuff just works out.

PixieMama's future Cowl

 On an equally exciting note: Bean is now mobile, so batten down the hatches everyone! He's not officially crawling but he's scooting all over the place, and will occasionally pause and heft himself mostly into the crawl position, then decide that this is too frustrating and go back to scooting along. I'm watching him belly-scoot around and check out his brothers big plastic blocks, which is sorta funny, because MiniMonster is checking out Bean's play seat and spinning the rattles and mirrors, so basically they're both playing with each others toys. The grass is always greener and all that!

 PixieMama: the kids thought you were cooler than ice cream, and we'd love to see you any time!