Thursday, January 6, 2011

Still exhausted

Doesn't that make for such exciting posts? I'm still completely wiped out, to the point where I'm tired and grumbly now. I've got a nice boring hot pocket cooking, and MiniMonster is playing with some blocks. He's in a better mood now after an stressed night with lots of intermittent complaints. Trying to stave off a night full of short rounds of whining I brought him to bed with us, and he did sleep, but the intermittent complaining only became less, it didn't go away, PLUS Tilmani and I got kicked, smacked, and headbutted by Sleeping Cutie.

 So I pretty much haven't gotten a good nights sleep since I got sick. X_X It's really starting to wear, and I've got a dentist appointment tomorrow. I hate dentist appointments ((but really, who likes them? It's not a profession you choose if you want your patients to be happy that they need to see you.

 We did have the fun of picking out Mini's birthday cake stuff for the 18th. We've got a chocolate cake, cream cheese frosting ((I might get a little bit of chocolate and go chocolate on the sides and white on top)), plus some pale blue decorating frosting, to go with the seal life decorating candies that he got so excited about to go on top. No candles.

 The candies are cute, some kelp, two sea turtles, starfish, and a couple fish, all in blue green and yellow. I don't think Mini realizes yet that they're made of sugar, but that should be an entertaining discovery.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Tired Days

 Since Tilmani and I got sick right after new years, I've been having trouble getting my sleep schedule back in line. MiniMonster has had restless nights, and after I get up with him, I'm having a lot of trouble getting back to sleep, and when I do, I've been having unpleasent dreams.

 The night before last I had a very vivid dream about arguing with my sister, so vivid that I woke up angry, and had more vague nightmares in the few times I dozed off after that, and last night, I dreamed I was in a relationship, and that the man I was dating in my dreams turned out to actually still be dating his ex, they were just screwing with me. ((this rapidly turned into MORE angry dreaming.))

  Actually the consistent theme in both dreams was the feeling that someone was manipulating me for their own entertainment, since in the first dream I remember that my (dream)Sister had been attempting to break up my marriage, and black ball me on all our shared internet haunts.

 I guess that says a lot about my private insecurities.

 Anyway as you've probably guessed I'm kinda draggy and not terribly with it, and I would take a nap, but naps tend to make me much much groggier than I started, which is ridiculously frustrating.

 I just want some sleep.

 That failing I might settle for more coffee.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Round and Around We Go

 I took MiniMonster to the Dunkin Doughnuts with me this afternoon after we got the car washed ((He didn't particularly enjoy the water jets.)) So I could grab a bagel sandwich and we could take some munchkins home for he and his father to enjoy as a special treat. Aside from the overworked to the point of irritable frazzle-counter worker, who seemed to be offended by the existance of the universe, it was pretty ok.

 Then we went outside. As I'm almost to my car, a black jeep blazed with a plethora of rainbow stickers, 'earth' stickers, and I think there might have been an EXTREMELY ironic "Coexist" sticker, pulls up and parks next to us. A young woman pops out , and starts for the Dunkin Doughnuts. As I'm loading Mini Into the car and talking to him about how we're waiting until we get home to open anything, she looks over her shoulder, looks at us, and -scoffs- audibly, then huffs her way to the Dunkin' Doughnuts with a rather transparent air of superiority.

 It was sort of between humorous and stupid, the way she clearly felt she was superior with her rainbow stickers and beat up jeep to my (superior gas milage and safety) Focus, when had I turned around and scoffed at her car ((Which I have no reason to do, I haven't got the slightest issue with supporting gay rights, and better gas milage is both planet friendly AND budget friendly. My only environmental issue is making sure that the gas replacements actually work and are cost effective, instead of costing more money and energy to produce than they can create. ((Coughethanolcough.))

 No what makes me laugh about that sort of behavior is that people like that seem to have NO IDEA that they're setting back whatever cause they stand for about 500 steps with their attitude. No they seem to have the idea that because some people are attitudinal jack assess to THEM, that they have the god given right to be attitudinal Jackassess to everyone else.

 They don't. Neither party does. If you're going to be a jackass you deserve the swift righteous kick in the ass everyone wants to give you, regardless of whatever faction or minority you happen to be a part of:

 Why? Because the best way to get respect for your cause, group, creed, gender, what have you: Is to be someone worth respecting.
 I'm not saying don't strive for everything to make things -equal- if they're not, by no means let yourself be trod under foot, but don't latch on and become everything you hate either. It's way too easy, and in the end, it changes nothing except who's in which position in the grand scheme of people screwing each other.

There was a quote in Michael Linsners "Dawn" comic "Lucifers Halo" that I really liked, and that I abuse every single time something like this happens:

 "The Oppressed Love their Oppressors and cannot wait to follow in their example"

Scary thought: but as we see around us all the time, there's way too many people who do exactly that without even thinking about it. It's their god given right after-all, since people treat -them- that way.