Thursday, June 17, 2010

All I want for Christmas is

A clean pair of jeans!
The washing machine (the new one) gets here tomorrow, which will be SUCH a releif since we unplugged the old one so we could clean and put down some waterproofing to prepare for the arrival of the new one. The waterproof paint makes this HUGE difference down there. It could use a couple more coats to look truly 'white' but even as it is, it's so much brighter down in that section of the laundry room.

I did do -some- laundry at my folks place a couple days ago, that was a fairly huge undertaking, even though I wasn't actually even doing all of the laundry we've accumulated. ((Mostly Owen's, some towels, and some changes of me.))

I'd also forgotten when I left that I'd brought some of it home wet and tossed it into -our- drier, because I was so exhausted and still needed to replace some of our fridge contents from the power being turned off for... well PSNH didn't actually tell us WHY they needed to turn off the power for a good chunk of the day just that they needed to. I'm sure they had some reason other than humor value of imagining me cramming as much as possible into an cooler, but I just don't know what it was.

Anyway: Shortly following me doing laundry at my folks place. ((And needing to change my clothes AND Mini Monsters clothes while we were there because he was SO excited to See Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Ende and "Grandpa's-huge-TV-which-gets-mythbusters-and-animalplanet-and-isn't-that-amazing" <-- interpreted from the constant excited flail of M.M, who makes watching both of these into an interactive experience. So yeah. Spit up. Loooots of spit up.

I brought home the wet laundry, tossed it in our drier, and forgot about it. Which proved to be kind of ok, because Mini Bworked all over the pairs of jeans I'd gotten both washed and dried, and I thought that I'd be spending the next day and a half or so wearing my sweatpants.

But nope. I suddenly remembered that I'd forgotten some stuff in the drier, and lo and behold, resting atop a bath mat like a king was a pair of jeans.

MY. Jeans.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Thou Art Doomed: Sorry

I have a knack. It's sort of a sucky knack, but I've got it.

If I like a character in a TV show or movie, there's an remarkably large chance that they're screwed. I've read comic books where the character I wanted to see more of got two books in and then got a hole blasted through them so large you could bowl through it.

It's rediculously predictable, to the point where when I'm watching a new show and I realize I really kinda like a character, I apologize to them.

"Dear So and So. I like you, sorry, 'cause that means you're doomed."

I wonder how many other people have this problem....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

365 Days of Tilmani

So Today, June 13th, was officially our very first wedding anniversary. We got married today last year by a Justice of the Peace in a Gazebo filled with photos of her own family's married couples ((Her parents, grandparents, and so forth)) with a bouquet of peacock tail feathers, from peacocks she owned. The place had birds by the score. Wild woodpeckers, three different kinds of chicken, four or five kinds of exotic geese, and three or four peacocks.

For Christmas I have a pair of glass ornaments shaped like peacocks with real peacock feather tails to clip onto the Christmas tree.

We didn't have much of a traditional anniversary celebration. We had a short game ((it wasn't as much fun as I was hoping to have because my head wasn't in it. My sister sent me a note ((yes knowing that today was my anniversary)) to inform me that my father had been lobbying to have my cat and one of the other cats put down, and decided to neglect to inform me of the part where my mother had already had very firm words with him about his apparent desire to kill perfectly healthy animals for no reason.

I could have been a lot happier about that exchange, though everything got sorted out talking to my mom.

We had a short game, then just kicked back and watched stuff with our friends, and had ravioli for dinner. I made a cake last night and we polished that off, it came out pretty good, other than the part where I have re-discovered that I do not Ice cakes, I commit atrocities with frosting. Still it came out tasty enough, just not terribly pretty.

Good times.
We had fun, even with the ding in the day, my cat is safe, and everyone's happy.