Friday, February 5, 2010

Cirque de Cafe'

Mini Monster fooled us last night into not feeding him right before bedtime, so everyones sleep was, sadly, interupted by his interest and antics. Amazing really how one little thing can affect the entire night so much, but he was snoozing away so.....

We had our two week check up with the Midwives, all of whom thought he was just darling. So naturally he waited until he got home to spit up on anything, which he did after demanding to be fed again. ((The Midwives couldn't resist his charms.))
So he got a change of clothes and his crib got changed. At least he didn't get me this time. He did that once already.

We took the time afterward to visit his Maternal Grandmother and bring her a caramel Latte from Panera. Mmmmm. Panera's lattes are my not so secret vise.

That actually ended up being kinda funny since I also bought a bagel and some cookies, so for a minute I was holding a loaded car seat, a bag of pastries ((with a strap so it was over my wrist)), and a tray with two Lattes... all in one hand.

I turned to go and noticed there was an well dressed business man at one of the side tables staring at the entire thing like he'd just seen something more amazing than a Cirque de Soleil performer doing acrobatics in the middle of the floor, which made the woman at the counter laugh and say "Mom's, huh?" as though being a mom apparently grants you amazing balancing superpowers. ((Maybe it does?))

Anyway, managed to get everyone back in the car without wearing any caffeinated beverages and Grandma and I had a nice time enjoying the Lattes. Mini Monster pretty much slept through the entire thing. ((No Latte's for him.))

Also had really weird dreams about Pan, who no, did not resemble the character from "Pans Labrynth" in my dreams, but no one's really that interested in hearing about my subconscious and it's facinating interpretations of old gods. Or if you are, ask and I'll consider telling you over email. :p Don't need to bore everyone.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ia Ia Minimonster Ftaghn.

So I got a package in the mail today while I was out from an old friend. Belated birthday gifts and a bunch of stuff for the Mini Monster. The stuff for me included a cell-phone charm of my RPG character "Nightgaunt", fuzzy slippers, and an I-tunes gift card.

MiniMonster got some bottles, mouse socks, a cute knitted toy, and a blanket in pastel colors with the "Cthulhu Loves You" design often prominent in my occasional forays into cartooning "Angry Chibi Comics".

We also got a bit done to day: a short dump run, though I have more stuff that needs taken over, it just wouldn't all fit in the car, and a visit to my parents and sister after we got a bunch of photos printed up. I'm also never going to trust the damn photo machine again. I got way way way more copies of everything than I intended to. And photos I didn't intend to print at all. Stupid machine.

Here's some photos of Mini Monster and his goodies though.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Continued adventures of MiniMonster: Champion of the world

Taking a short pause from reading more to Mini Monster. We just got back from our first trip together to the supermarket. He's been to WalMart once, with both his father and I, but this was our first trip alone. It got a little challenging to get things into the cart because I felt safer putting his car seat in the bottom part of the cart... but since there wasn't tons on the list we managed. Next time I'll grab one of the really big carts, even though they're super cold right now from being outside. It'll only affect me to do so, not Mini.
He was extremely well behaved, especially compared to the two something year old that was also in the store, and screeching like a Howler Monkey every few minutes. He actually slept through everything but the ride home, when he woke up and spit up on his car-seat strap. He was extremely displeased with having spit up.
Can't exactly say as to how I blame him on that one.

I'm also down to nine more 'sets' on 'Yvonne', then I'll be able to bind off, and try and finish Mini's yellow and green sweater. Bet I'm done just in time for the weather to warm up!

The potroast unfortunately didn't go quite as well as I hoped. Overcooked it, and again... Husband got an upset stomach. I didn't this time, so that was something, but still. *sigh* I think I'm just going to have to not make pot-roast.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tipsy Potroast and So forth

Making a pot roast today, kinda trying to wing it a little on the recipe, but using cook time for a comparable roast for the slow cooker. ((The last recipe I made turned out unexpectedly dry and made everyone feel a bit under the weather.))
So cross your fingers and hope this one comes out alright. I'm calling it the Tipsy Roast because it's got a fair amount of red wine in the mix, thus... Tipsy Roast.

I'm staring down at the finish line for the Yvonne sweater for my mother, I'll let you know then if I actually end up using as much of the "Rowan" as I thought I would based on the patern, but the pattern doesn't exactly include if there was leftover yarn from the "Verb for Keeping Warm" yarn used to make the original. ((I'm sure there was, it's just a question of how much.))

Unfortunately Mini Monster has been pretty clingy the last couple days so I really haven't gotten a great deal done on the knitting front. I'm trying though. I guess we're both readjusting everything since his father is back to work, doing that important thing involving money.

It's all making it look like it'll be quite the adventure the first time I decide to actually brave taking Mini out to do shopping with me. Car seat... sling... diaper bag... insanity....

Yeah, I gave up and bought a new sling. The ones I bought before I moved are still AWOL, and at this point I don't expect to find them before they're useless... if at all. Things have a tendency to vanish occasionally at that house, and never be seen again.