Friday, February 5, 2010

Cirque de Cafe'

Mini Monster fooled us last night into not feeding him right before bedtime, so everyones sleep was, sadly, interupted by his interest and antics. Amazing really how one little thing can affect the entire night so much, but he was snoozing away so.....

We had our two week check up with the Midwives, all of whom thought he was just darling. So naturally he waited until he got home to spit up on anything, which he did after demanding to be fed again. ((The Midwives couldn't resist his charms.))
So he got a change of clothes and his crib got changed. At least he didn't get me this time. He did that once already.

We took the time afterward to visit his Maternal Grandmother and bring her a caramel Latte from Panera. Mmmmm. Panera's lattes are my not so secret vise.

That actually ended up being kinda funny since I also bought a bagel and some cookies, so for a minute I was holding a loaded car seat, a bag of pastries ((with a strap so it was over my wrist)), and a tray with two Lattes... all in one hand.

I turned to go and noticed there was an well dressed business man at one of the side tables staring at the entire thing like he'd just seen something more amazing than a Cirque de Soleil performer doing acrobatics in the middle of the floor, which made the woman at the counter laugh and say "Mom's, huh?" as though being a mom apparently grants you amazing balancing superpowers. ((Maybe it does?))

Anyway, managed to get everyone back in the car without wearing any caffeinated beverages and Grandma and I had a nice time enjoying the Lattes. Mini Monster pretty much slept through the entire thing. ((No Latte's for him.))

Also had really weird dreams about Pan, who no, did not resemble the character from "Pans Labrynth" in my dreams, but no one's really that interested in hearing about my subconscious and it's facinating interpretations of old gods. Or if you are, ask and I'll consider telling you over email. :p Don't need to bore everyone.

1 comment:

  1. The transformation is starting! Soon you'll be doing backflips to avoid stepping on scattered toys and catching falling bottles with your toes.
