Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rice Cereal and Blue Elephants

If there's a good way to summarize how Mini Monster is taking to solid food it's something like a Shark in a Goldfish tank. Only occasionally the shark sneezes.

I've already picked rice cereal out of my hair this morning.

We did finally get a high chair, though that in and of itself was an adventure: I should have figured that it would be after we went to the K-mart near my parents and five minutes after entering the store, there was a massive blackout that knocked out the power to every store in the area, and probably everything else, up to my folks place. Even the street lights.

We decided that since even the Wal-Mart didn't have enough power to run with their generator ((employees were leaving as we passed and a traffic cop was directing people)), that we would go to another K-mart about half an hour away. This was unfortunately bound to make it a much longer trip than I'd planned for.

For sanitys sake: We car pooled. Then we ran into construction.

When we finally got to the store ((My mom had to feed Mini in the back seat because he woke up hungry and angry)) we looked around, found out they were out of the chair I originally wanted, so after fending off an attack from the photography department wanting to get their claws on Mini ((Who was anxious and spitting up and drooling.)) We got an Graco high chair instead. Both were good chairs, the Graco just lacks the bright colors on the one I was thinking of. On the plus side we know their stuff is solid and assembles and dissembles nicely.

We made our slow way home, and Mini slept all the way until I left town and was about to pass the original store, and then woke up and started fussing. I changed him and his clothes, and gave him a little drink of water ((out of formula and it was hot.)) which seemed to solve things... until I put him back in his chair. Then he spent the ENTIRE rest of the trip nodding off briefly then waking up to wail. Lather rinse repeat. X_X

Haven't gotten the high chair together yet but I'm planning on it.