Friday, November 9, 2012


 So yeah it's been a while since I updated, figured I might as well, while we're sitting here watching Moonshiners because, well... I don't know. Apparently my inner rubbernecker wants to see if Tickle snatches that elusive Darwin Award this season.

 Tickle. Honestly. I really hope that's a nickname or I have to wonder who named their kid Tickle. I also wonder how much of the show is even real because how do they not get arrested for having their faces right there on tv?

 ...Probably shouldn't spend that much thought on reality TV.

Bean is pretty much walking, has one tooth and the points of two others. I think MiniMonster is not entirely sure what to make of this massive change in his world. Suddenly his little brother can reach a WHOLE lot more.

 I'm working with some of my gorgeous BuenaSuerte yarns, knitting an Color Affection shawl in the red and gold of the Tony and Pepper yarns. It needs a third color, but I'm waiting to decide until my skein of her "Teal Deer" colorway gets here. Technically it's a different base but they're supposed to be very close and work well together, and if it works it will be a great Arc Reactor Blue. Otherwise I don't know.