Monday, June 21, 2010

This Flavor not tested on Actual People

So apparently in the spirit of "They can't talk so they can't complain", the makers of Ora-Gel forgot to actually test their artificial flavoring on someone who could share an opinion... well. In anything resembling words.

Mini Monster would like to convey his extreme disapproval of their artificial cherry flavoring, the horrors of which apparently entirely outweigh any benefits of the powers of Ora-Gel.

First time but probably not the last time in his life when he'll make that face of pure, unadulterated "WTF", followed by distressed howling and a drool fest to beat Niagara Falls. A quick shot of formula helped rinse his mouth out, but mostly because he drooled all of it back out again after sucking some quickly into his mouth. ((Baby Rinse and Spit?))

He slowly calmed down after this rinse and spit and being allowed to chew on a clean cloth diaper, but was definitely not impressed at all by the experience. His Dad actually put some on his own tongue while I was working to settle him down again. Impressively, their expressions of horror were actually pretty similar.

Tilmani apologized profusely for this accidental and extreme abuse of the taste-bud.