Thursday, June 3, 2010

Turn on the No-Drier

((If you hadn't guessed the title is a horrible knock off of blow-drier.))
This is because sometime yesterday, fortunately after I'd cleaned and dried the Mini Monster's latest batch of laundry. ((So he's got a couple days worth of spit up-free stuff...)) Our Drier, which admittedly was ancient and came with the house.... bellied up.

Tilmani was trying to get some laundry run, and got it to the drier, where he discovered after several attempts to roust it into life, that the drier was blowing hot air... but not tumbling.

... at all.

This makes drying your clothing not particularly effective by any means, so he hung stuff up on hangers and what not to try and get it dry, and we'll be looking into a new Washer and Drier. ((Since the Drier and Washer are the same age, it makes sense to replace them both before the Washer ALSO decides to do the Failure Waltz.))

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A little tired

I've been a little tired:
Mini Monster has been sleeping in his crib again, which either makes for a restless night because we're used to the extra company and reduced space in our own bed, or means he wakes up a lot more to give us a short fuss for company. The first night he actually slept all the way through, and Tilmani and I were just restless. Last night it was about a dozen rounds of 'give me back my pacifier'.

Til slept through them but I didn't, so yeah... little tired.

Our Jumparoo finally arrived. It needs a slight height adjustment but otherwise he seems to think it's pretty damn cool. It's free standing so I don't have to worry about him blocking or banging into a door frame, and it can be moved to wherever I want without me needing to go get a step ladder and climb around. *phew*

It does need some batteries to show full functionality, but I'll go get some later.

I rented "Wonderland" from the RedBox yesterday and watched it. In spite of the mixed reviews, I admit I really didn't think it was that bad. Especially for a Burton film, since his stuff tends to disappoint me in the end. I thought it was an interesting approach and he actually worked pretty hard to get the feel of the original book illustrations, something Disney never even tried in their original.
I was however rather wierded out by the White Queen's BLACK EYEBROWS. She would have actually been pretty, rather than bleached looking, if they'd made her eyebrows as pale as her hair.

Little touches like the Rocking-Horse-Flies and Dragon-flies were cool though.

Otherwise we've been watching our way through "True Blood". It definitely has some insanely cheezy aspects, and some of the relationships make me wonder which came first, Twilight or TrueBlood. I think Trueblood since someone said there were books.

This would not surprise me since it's already painfully obvious that Stephanie Meyer virtually (or outright did) plagarize(d) just about every other vampire romance she could think of. Like Buffy. ((Edward: You are in fact an insanely creepy stalker bastard and should be arrested, but Angel did the whole "I'm watching you sleep" thing first. Oh and he didn't sparkle. Looser.))

But yeah. T.B. Has the whole love triangle thing going, or maybe more of a love quadrangle or some other geometric shape, since everyone (except me) seems to be MADLY IN LOVE With "Sookie", who I swear to god was named this because of it's vague resemblance to "Succubi.".
Another thing probably stolen by Meyer, though she transferred it to Edward: Sookie's telepathy and her inability to read certain characters.

The irony however of someone who's name is often pronounced "Suck-ie" in a show largely centered around vampires is not lost on me however. In fact it cracks me up quite often.

My favorate character in the show at the moment has to be Eric though. He's a freaking vampire-VIKING. He gets his hair done, he messes with people. He pisses off Sookie ((Which also amuses me because she's really a dip.)) and then messes with more people. Usually successfully.

Bill: Take notes from Eric. He's smarter than you. Oh and if you actually want to keep your girlfriend, who has absolutely no sense of self preservation, alive, you might remind her at some point that repeatedly bitch slapping random vampires, after she already knows they can do a pretty good impression of a tornado, is a stupid idea.

A really stupid idea. Oh and actually telling her some shit about vampire politics might also do something for her survival rating. Just sayin'. I mean if there's a giant 'don't do this' list, she might maybe need to know it, if only so you can say "You know better than that" next time she sassess off to something that could break her neck by sneezing in her direction. Not that it would probably actually prevent her from doing so.