Thursday, April 29, 2010


Have you ever known someone who seems to live specifically to disagree with you? Not just disagree with you, but disagree with you in a way that makes you feel that they think you have the brain of a neanderthal? The ones that disagree with you even while they smile and brightly agree with a friend of theirs, who says EXACTLY what you just did?

I know one of these people.
And although it goes against my blog intention of trying to be positive I will admit this person DRIVES. ME. CRAZY.

I think I've got some kind of complex because I keep trying to talk to them occasionally and be civil, like somehow they'll have changed since the last time we did this dance.

Naturally this never happens.

Of course the one good thing I -can- say for them is how much more they make me appreciate the husband who loves me, supports me, and respects me, because nothing makes you realize how valuable respect is until you've been abraded by someone who disrespects you for existing.

It also makes me that much more glad I have my son, who has the most awesome smile.

The Capricorn is going alright. I've finished the body, and both legs. ((Front legs. No rear.)) and now I need to do: head. Ears. Horns. Tail Fin, and possibly 'mane ridge'.

Knock on wood!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Best or Bust

It's been a wild couple of days:
I forgot to mention the order I placed with Knitpicks came. I was impressed with the speed, and I'm currently being impressed by the yarn. I ordered two kits, a ball winder, a couple needles and some random yarn, including some "Palate" yarn (fingering weight) I'm using to knit one of my 'famous' toy mods.

I'm using a severe bastardization of Fuzzy Mittens Lamb pattern to make a Capricorn.So far I think it's going to turn out pretty well. I shifted yarns when the decreases started and started using a purl stitch to make it look more like scales. After that I'm making an much slower decrease so that I get a slow, tapering tail. Horns will be done like the horns on the Fauno doll I did for my sister. Fins I'm still in debate on. I don't know if I'll knit them or make them out of cloth, but I think it'll turn out ok in the end.

Unfortunately I still can't do photos. I went to Best Buy to find a new charger, but although they carry the camera... They don't have a charger that works with it. The employee who helped me was at least pleasant, which is better than most of the stories I hear about them on The Consumerist... but still. The good customer service didn't really help me in the end.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

Come again another day. Preferably NOT when I have to take Mini Monster out to a Dr's appointment.

He had a checkup today, he's around...damn, I think it was 12-14 lbs? I got a little distracted because he also got some vaccinations. Three shots, two in one leg, one in the other. Poor kid, he was SO not impressed.

He handled it like a trooper though and I got him calmed down fairly quickly. Unfortunately it wasn't raining when we went in, and it was when we got out, so I had to cover the poor kid with my coat.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yogi follows Mickey

So just to make our day, following the Mouse invasion, (Fortunately he seems to have been a lone agent.) we had a BEAR.

It came up to the door even, and yanked down both of our feeders. It also yanked down the suet feeder and the finch feeder from the crab-apple tree. We've only recovered the suet cage and one of the door feeders. It even left a muddy footprint on the side of the house.

It's the first time I've had a bear be that close (even though we didn't see it.) and it was a little more freaky because we're semi suburban.

So we're going to leave the feeders down for a while.