Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Best or Bust

It's been a wild couple of days:
I forgot to mention the order I placed with Knitpicks came. I was impressed with the speed, and I'm currently being impressed by the yarn. I ordered two kits, a ball winder, a couple needles and some random yarn, including some "Palate" yarn (fingering weight) I'm using to knit one of my 'famous' toy mods.

I'm using a severe bastardization of Fuzzy Mittens Lamb pattern to make a Capricorn.So far I think it's going to turn out pretty well. I shifted yarns when the decreases started and started using a purl stitch to make it look more like scales. After that I'm making an much slower decrease so that I get a slow, tapering tail. Horns will be done like the horns on the Fauno doll I did for my sister. Fins I'm still in debate on. I don't know if I'll knit them or make them out of cloth, but I think it'll turn out ok in the end.

Unfortunately I still can't do photos. I went to Best Buy to find a new charger, but although they carry the camera... They don't have a charger that works with it. The employee who helped me was at least pleasant, which is better than most of the stories I hear about them on The Consumerist... but still. The good customer service didn't really help me in the end.

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