Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Exersize in Futility

Once again I find myself rambling about something I read on Bitchy Waiter:

 ... Of course any contribution to more people reading Bitchy as a result is probably so minimal they'll never notice, but damn, sometimes I've just gotta get the thoughts out of my head.

 Technically in this case it's in regards to some of Bitchy's rage filled commentators on the subject of having a slightly awkward night when a woman whipped out her boob, and fed her baby in an fairly classy restaurant without using any kind of cover.
 Bitchy went out of their way to point out that the woman was in fact, quite polite, tipped well, and Bitchy themselves didn't make a huge fuss about it at the time, though they admitted that the whole thing was... a bit awkward.

 From the reactions of some of the readers, you would think that Bitchy had just said something as shocking as "I support the Holocaust". Apparently it's HORRIBLY uncomfortable to throw a light cotton blanket or diaper over your shoulder while in public, and TERRIBLY inconvenient, and clearly the ONLY reason why people would be even slightly bothered by random HITHEREBOOBIE moments is because they're CLEARLY only seeing the boobie as 'sexual'. Which is apparently wrong. Apparently boobies are not allowed to be viewed sexually now... because they're baby snack dispensers, and only baby snack dispensers. ((Which is obviously why they're such a major industry in Hollywood and anyplace plastic surgery is found.))

 Oh and the other great one was the assertion that ONLY. And They did say ONLY... women who are unable to breast feed use bottles.

 ...Which kinda gave me pause... since apparently that means Breast Pumps are not designed for putting breast milk into a bottle so that it is not required to whip out boobie at a moments notice, and that, oh, other people can hold and feed the kid. Apparently women who can breast feed ONLY use Boobie.

 ...So then.... why do we have Breast Pumps? Kinkyness? ... They're really not that Kinky. They look like an reverse squirt bottle. OOH. Yeah baby that's sexy. Squeeze it like a Windex bottle.

 ... Anyway yeah I'm done now.

 Do I think the woman was in the wrong? Well... no one complained, but it probably would have been slightly more considerate of her to toss a diaper or something over her shoulder. I mean really the claim that a light weight blanket is ANY hotter than wearing your shirt and bra to begin with is kinda sad... and honstly, the idea that people on the live-journal community "Bad Roleplayers Suck" are more aware of, and more sensitive to, the fact that people can be triggered by totally random stuff and be made VERY uncomfortable... than a bunch of breast feeding mommies is just... Wow.  I mean stop and think about that. You've been out matured by a horde of people, many of which are under 20.

 When you get right down to it, the point is this: If people want to be respected for their right to breast feed in public, they need to show a little respect for others in return. It's unlikely to cause someone to keel over and expire to put one of those paper thin little receiving blankets over their shoulder, and it will make a lot of people a lot more comfortable with what's going on. Insisting that it's your right to flash boobie, and if anyone is uncomfortable with it they're just "Meanie PooPooHeads" is... well it's childish. Respect is a two way street, you give it to get it.