Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hair Club for Stuffed Lions

So last night I finished doing my first attempt at FuzzyMittens "Scraps Chaps" pattern. I did the lion. ((out of a possible three animals that are featured parts of this pattern.))
I gotta say, out of all of it, the mane took the longest to do, and watching the bald spot on it's head decrease earned a few "Hair club" jokes. And mop jokes.

He was somewhat improved by getting a partial hair cut, so that the top part of his mane is shorter so it won't flop into his face.
I was originally going to do him all in black, but changed my mind to try the color swap for his nose, and then continued it with his mane, which is dark brown, black, tan, and dusky purple. His eyes are two white buttons, and his feet (but not 'hands') are embroidered (badly) to have paw pads.

...Clearly I kinda suck at embroidery. I also did use some more black yarn to draw tight and make his 'toes' more definite, and cheezily, did a outlined heart in embroidery floss on his chest but there's no good photo of that.

I'm not sure Mini Monster knows what to make of him (and can't really have him yet because of the button eyes) but he does still seem to like his original Lamb (Frankensheep).

And the towel we had him swaddled in the other night. Instead of Moose and Squirrel he has Sheep and Towel. And two hollow legs to judge by how much he can put away when he feels like it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

M.A.S.H and Monsters

Watching M.A.S.H on the play-station with the Mini Monster, which he doesn't seem to mind.
Good day for it; there's a lot of snow outside right now, which made a fun morning for everyone since the Driveway needed shoveled.
Mini Monster also seems to be forming an attachment to a towel that we used to swaddle him the other night after he spit up all over my PJs. Since it's easy to wash, thats not such a bad thing.

Got a crash course in the 5 S's from Erica (Thanks Erica!), so that'll help. <:)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I don't know if it was one of the 'Five S's' suggested by Erica, but the Mini Monster finally fell asleep yesterday when I put him in his swing, took a long nap, and woke up in a much less "Dr Hyde" mood.
Although I did learn not to ask his opinion on selling knitted toys after he eats, since I asked him after dinner, and he spit up enthusiastically, then went back to sleep and let us clean up the mess. ((I guess he's not impressed by the idea?))

Partially into knitting a stuffed lion from the "Scraps Chaps" pattern by Fuzzy Mitten. I'm not using scrap yarn, just black leftover yarn, but it's coming out kind of fun. My husband isn't crazy about how the limbs attatch, though it makes them more flexible. I might just sew them down more firmly and have done with. Anyway I think it's coming out kind of fun. Buttons on the 'joints' might also make a cute touch with these.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Angry Chibi

The chibi sized one is apparently a bit colicy this morning. He's been burped, changed, and fed repeatedly, everything's been tried and he just gets madder. Personally I wouldn't wonder if he's as over tired as I am, since he kept us all up last night and STILL isn't sleeping. X_X