Wednesday, February 24, 2010

M.A.S.H and Monsters

Watching M.A.S.H on the play-station with the Mini Monster, which he doesn't seem to mind.
Good day for it; there's a lot of snow outside right now, which made a fun morning for everyone since the Driveway needed shoveled.
Mini Monster also seems to be forming an attachment to a towel that we used to swaddle him the other night after he spit up all over my PJs. Since it's easy to wash, thats not such a bad thing.

Got a crash course in the 5 S's from Erica (Thanks Erica!), so that'll help. <:)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! If you want more in-depth info, Google "The Happiest Baby on the Block." It's effing amazing.
