Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I don't know if it was one of the 'Five S's' suggested by Erica, but the Mini Monster finally fell asleep yesterday when I put him in his swing, took a long nap, and woke up in a much less "Dr Hyde" mood.
Although I did learn not to ask his opinion on selling knitted toys after he eats, since I asked him after dinner, and he spit up enthusiastically, then went back to sleep and let us clean up the mess. ((I guess he's not impressed by the idea?))

Partially into knitting a stuffed lion from the "Scraps Chaps" pattern by Fuzzy Mitten. I'm not using scrap yarn, just black leftover yarn, but it's coming out kind of fun. My husband isn't crazy about how the limbs attatch, though it makes them more flexible. I might just sew them down more firmly and have done with. Anyway I think it's coming out kind of fun. Buttons on the 'joints' might also make a cute touch with these.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for sleeping Mini Monsters! The five S's are:

    1.) Swaddling (self explanatory)
    2.) Side/stomach (holding the monster, while swaddled, on his side or stomach)
    3.) Shushing (right in his ear. No joke. It works.)
    4.) Swinging (while swaddled and on his side or stomach, in your arms)
    5.) Sucking (again, self explanatory)

    Procession generally goes in the above order, until child stops fussing. It's freakin' amazing.
