Friday, January 27, 2012

Oh Hey, still here

 Oh hey, just thought I'd let everyone know I'm still here... those handful of people who are still out there anyway. HI PEOPLE.

 I've pretty much come to accept that I am never going to be Allie from Hyperbole and a Half ((Whom I wish well, and hope she feels better soon.)). Hell I'm never even going to have Bitchy Waiter's following. I'm just not that exciting. I don't hit peoples nerve I guess.

 I could try but I wouldn't really be 'me' then... but thats an tangent that will bore people stupid... so I'll skip it.

 What have I been up to?
  -Mostly running around 'playing mom'. MiniMonster is officially two years old, and loves his brother like crazy, with occasional and understandable bouts of jealousy. I'd be jealous too if I was too little to understand just how much work a little brother can be, especially one that's only a bit over a month old. We try and find time to make time thats 'just for Mini', but jealousy still happens, and it's going to, but it's so overwhelmingly topped by love, hugs, and kissess that I think it will work out just fine.

 I've clearly taught the lad well... though I'll be the first to say that the choice to love rather than resent his brother is all his. Now the BATMAN corruption, that I think I have a hand in. Offered the choice between little rubber action figures for kids his age, he will, without hesitation, choose Batman over Superman. Padawan I have taught you well.
 ...I have been joking that it's because of my Batman shirts, and this has lead to jokes about the eventual confusing revelation that Batman is not actually Mommy. I think it will all work out though. It's fun in the mean time though to wonder if my two year old thinks I'm secretly a superhero.

 NomNom, who needs a better blog nickname (Bean maybe? He's small and ridiculously intelligent like Card's protagonist, and like his brother seems likely to grow to towering size. What do you think?) NomNom is doing well. He's wicked strong, and trying to beat every physical benchmark he can, and also smiling and grinning. I forgot how silly and endearing a baby's toothless, open mouthed grin can be. Especially when he's flashing it at you with a mischievous glint around the end of his bottle, or while curled up in the crook of your arm.  He's very visual, more so than his brother was at this age, and we're wondering how this will play out over time. It's definitely made him more interested in his mobile. MiniMonster was way more about the music, but NomNom likes to watch the stuffed owls rotate. I just wish the damn thing was battery operated so I didn't have to crank it back up so often when he wants to watch it. It just doesn't seem to stay on long enough for him to really relax. ((Although it's fun to see him try in his limited way to reach for them.))

 I'm still knitting, though I had to pull out the dragonscale shawl I was working on. I got distracted, botched a row, then botched tinking it back... and then it all went to hell. And I lost a chunk of the yarn pulling it out because the silk glued itself together. Again.


 I got a couple books on making socks for Christmas, which was awesome and cool. One was for knitting them two at a time but I think first I'll work on doing ONE and see if I can do it correctly. Then I'll work on doing them two at a time and avoiding knitters "Second Sock Syndrome" ((You finish one sock, then you're so bored of sockness that the second sock sometimes never gets done. I don't know if this is less common if you have yarn that does something cool with self patterning, but we'll see. Tilmani will be my guinea pig for my first pair of test socks. I have some patterning gray-scale Kroys sock yarn that will make a nice warm pair of socks ((if I can do this correctly)) perfect for wading out in the cold and blasting snow, though since he runs on the warm side, thats probably the most use they'll get, since the man would probably otherwise collapse of heat stroke.

 ...I'm running out of things to talk about unless I want to go on a tangent about the Immaculate Bakery and their yummy stuff, but maybe I'll save that for the day I become internet famous.

 ... That'll be never.