Thursday, May 12, 2011

Awkard Places

 I find myself in sort of an unusual and awkward place at the moment.

 There's a friend I've known for some years now and I need to figure out exactly how to deal with them. We used to be really close, if not physically. We chatted pretty much constantly, and emailed back and forth. They knew me before I even knew my husband. They knew me before MiniMonster was born, and for a short time, they considered a relationship with another one of my friends, (Turtle).

 The relationship with Turtle didn't work out, distance and other things were a factor, but such things happen. That's not the problem. The problem I've been having is that since I had MiniMonster, they've grown more distant. At first incrementally, and then more and more so. There were very reasonable excuses of course. Work, College, A New House, all of these at the same time, plus attending conventions to sell things. We stopped having RP sessions together, and then there slowly stopped being any real communication at all.

 They haven't said specifically that they've got a problem with me, and they're typically not someone who's got a problem with letting people know if they have a problem... but I think I know what the problem IS.

 It's MiniMonster I think. Something about me having become a parent and me going to have a second child (Baby NomNom), has cause a complete withdrawal of communication. I even sent them an anouncement that we were going to have another child, and I personally didn't get a response. Turtle did though. He got a email reply of:
 "They're pregnant again? You know they've identified what causes that."

 On it's own this could be construed as an sort of tasteless joke, but combined with the total retreat, it just comes off as being pretty rude. I don't feel like I've changed that much. I've had to become more responsible, I have more things to do, and I can't drop everything and galavant across the countryside at the drop of a hat, but really with most peoples budgets and jobs... lets face it. Galavanting on a regular, unplanned basis is for people who don't have a real grasp of their responsibilities regarding others.

 I feel like at this point I've got one of two options: I can either just let things die, though this gives me the feeling that the story they'll tell others is that I'm somehow the one who decided that we couldn't be friends any more, or I can take a page out of their book. ((They boast often about their bull headed qualities.)) and be more direct, and send them an email pointing out that I heard, and was offended by their comment, and that I feel as though I'm being cut out of things because I have children, and would like to know if thats really what she wants.

 I'll grant her that she's had bad experiences with -A- woman who had children, a rather unbalanced on, but it's completely unfair I think to judge me by the standards of one, singular individual, who has nothing in common with me.

 It's an awkward place to be and I don't like it.

PS. Once I got past my initial rage-faces, Tangled had funny moments, and MiniMonster liked the lanterns.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tangled Up

Just started Watching Tangled:
 I'll give a complete review when I'm done, but so far...

 I'm REALLY not seeing why people thought this was so fantastic. So far it's just another case of Disney doing a "Postman" and taking the title off a fairy tale and rewriting the whole thing. I expect I'll be puking on the excessively PC bullshit before the thing is over.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Post Mothers Day

So another Mothers Day has come and gone, ours in relative quiet, although the entire household spent the weekend playing a great game of "pass the germ".

 Friday: MiniMonster was sick, running a temperature, and pretty much slept, or fussed, cuddled, drank, and slept again all day until evening when his temp finally broke and he enthusiastically mugged me for pieces of my cereal, except for the ones that had actually been partially soaked in milk. Those got a "What the HELL is this" expression while he waited for a drier one while holding the wet one pinched between two fingers like a dead animal. He reluctantly went to bed, but only after getting us to agree to let him share our bed, which since he wasn't ENTIRELY back to normal temperature was sort of like sleeping with a small, snuggly space heater. A small snuggly space heater who slowly rotated to use me as a pillow and kick his dad out of bed.

 ((Queen sized bed you can't get here fast enough!))

 Saturday: Tilmani woke up with an upset stomach and the running theory that it might have been monster's bug. This was great except that BabyNomNom ((who we're roughly estimating to be about eight weeks old.)) was feeling ESPECIALLY vengeful, and MiniMonster was feeling more energetic, but not quite energetic as he really wanted to be, resulting in frequent rounds of him fussing about his own energy levels and not wanting to take the rest he actually needed. ((It's frustrating to want to play but be tired.))

 SUNDAY Tilmani woke up with a headache, and I woke up feeling pretty good (for a change) Didn't even have a round of morning sickness.... until after dinner. Then I slid down a horrible horrible slope of misery and nausea and generally didn't even want to be touched. This creates a force field that makes -everything- want to touch you. Especially tiny concerned people who can't figure out why Mommy won't let them drag her off the couch to play, because she really doesn't want to spent the next ten minutes dry heaving at someone. I pretty much got a return to sender notice on my dinner, and was confused (but happier) when some Ben and Jerrys stayed down when my Soup and Sandwich wouldn't. ((Tomato Soup only really tastes good going one way.))
 Did get some reprieve to rest when Nana and Papa showed up to take the Monster for a walk (He enjoyed this and it let us hand Nana her Mothers Day Cards)
 I continued to feel really sick through the early part of the night, which was extra fun because Monster in his anxiety decided he needed to be in our room to make sure we weren't being devoured by monsters, and apparently decided to battle them around two or three in the morning by going into Kung Fu Action! A round of night terrors. Tilmani and I managed to escape without black eyes in spite of being punched, kicked, and thrashed at, and MiniMonster apparently remembers nothing, because he woke up in an absolutely stellar mood.

 Tried to get Grandma her cards, but couldn't quite make the schedule work, so we'll just have to try again later in the week. Perhaps we'll manage to line up a lunch date for the chicken fingers (and maybe some steak-teriaki) at the Chinese place that NomNom seems to be sending up a yen for. Plus it'll be nice to let Grandma have some Grandma time. <3