Friday, January 15, 2010

Wonder-Knit powers! Activate!

I love hanging out on Ravelry, and I'm definitely enjoying the Folklore and Fables group. It's so awesome to find other knitters as geeked out as I can be. Especially when in a Folklore and Fables group, we can joke our way not only through Fables, Tolkein, Dune, The Super Friends, and the Scarlet Letter. ((One of my new goals is to design the "Knitwench" logo.)) ((Another goal is to get the recipie for the apple-gingerbread upsidedown cake someone mentioned.))

I did finally finish Jr's Car Blanket. ((He's taking his time in arriving, just as well since his poor father is exhausted from unpacking and assembling the crib all by himself. X_X))
The pattern came out a little crooked, but I did discover I'm not the only "Raveler" with the superpower of botching stitch counts. ((Thus the Superfreinds jokes.)) That was sorta fun to know.

Still I'm back working on the "Yvonne" vest from Cocoknits, a pattern that fascinated the trainee Midwife today, so I gave her a link to Cocoknits and to Ravelry, since she used to knit and would apparently like to get back into the game. I wish her luck!

Switching back to the size five needles felt tiny, but not as disproportionate as my first attempt to start off the blanket, which was me switching between the little size fives and a full blown size ten straight needle. Man that was like switching from a pencil to a tree trunk. Size tens really aren't the largest needle out there, but by comparison....

Also ended up doing a fix job on a mobius scarf I made someone for Christmas. Apparently I should have included a note that they do not straighten out, because some very industrious fidgeting pulled the end thread loose, so I had to pick up some stitches and use some spare yarn to re-affix everything. ((I hadn't exactly planned for the recipients industrious fingers. Something I shall have to take into account in the future!!)) Everything seems to be ok now thogh, and the fix should be covered by the roll edge, since I didn't border the Mobius scarves to keep them from rolling.

The cooking project of the day was Cranberry Orange Scones, which we made from the King Arthur Flour mix. Husband was slightly thrown by several parts in the directions, which didn't match his experience with normal scone baking, especially not as sticky as they came out. Still it worked out in the end. Just not quite the route he was expecting things to take. ((The only other time I've made scones was with their mix, so I was sort of anticipating their world devouring globbyness.))

Sounds like it would definitely be interesting to try and make them from scratch some time though, if the experience is actually that different. Hmmm.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Baby Furniture: More than Meets the Eye

So I'm kinda tempted to try and knit my son a 'Transformers' logo blanket for a joke, because several peices of his soon to be stuff 'transforms'. His crib is hardwood, solid, and with tools, convertible. ((It does NOT have the drop side that has caused so many recalls in the news)). It can be adjusted to become a toddler bed and then a regular bed.
Also his new Playpen also converts to an bassinet, AND has a changing table attachment, and his car seat can also be his stroller seat, thanks to an specialized frame.

I'm -mostly- done with the pattern on the baby blanket, so I'll try and get past that today and then knit on until it's roughly in the middle of the blanket.

Had an interesting discussion on Ravelry about methods of decrease, since apparently you can make the stitches 'lean' a different way depending on how you decrease. My one major disagreement was with the person who implied that not doing both kinds of decrease indicated that you failed to care about how the results of your knitting went, and I think that's a bit snorkish... and not nessisarily true, but thats kind of the problem with blanket statements isn't it?

I mean people are entitled to their opinion, but blanket statements are really something that, especially in a disagreement, people need to be careful with, because they often cover... well... more than you intended to. Not that people can't disagree. ((God we'd all be bored witless)), but it sometimes takes a little more forethought than it gets.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Knit and Whirl

Still working on the car-blanket, and under debate exactly how long to make it since it's main purpose will be tucking in small people in car seats. The knit and purl version of the pattern actually surprised me by being a little trickier than I expected, I doofed the count slightly some how, so one side is a little longer than it should be. I'm compensating by trying to carefully balance it by eye. It's not totally unrecognizable, but it makes me want to try again.

Otherwise I seem to have all the motivation of an sun warmed cat this morning. I'd just rather sleep today, for some obnoxious reason. I'm fighting with it, so I can try and get a little bit done.

I also admit I'm still ridiculously tempted to try my hand at lace-knitting at some point, maybe something like this one, which is rated as pretty easy on Ravelry. Some lady has supposedly made three! The yarn she did the pattern in is pretty too; I can easily see grabbing a couple skeins and having at it.

Damn temptation.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Holy Photosynthesizing Seaslugs, Batman!

This has to be one of the more interesting articles I've seen for a while. It's like something straight out of a comic book! ((or at least it immediately reminded -me- of Poison Ivy from Batman.))
Makes you really stop to appreciate how amazingly complex the animal world is, though then again, if you think about it, there's a whole damn lot thats pretty amazing even if you just look at things that aren't crossing what we thought were pretty much untouchable boundaries.

I mean I know someone who has a lot of issues with handling basic, run of the mill wool. Understandable, it makes her itch. At the same time, she doesn't have a problem handling MERINO. And Merino's aren't some exotic, photosynthesizing animal thats part plant and part herbivore, they're just another kind of sheep. A specialized kind of sheep with amazing wool, but never the less, they're part of the same family tree.

I dunno. Pretty random I just thought it was kinda cool.

Just a Sleepy day

It's a pretty sleepy morning so far, and the car-blanket feels like it's completely dragging, maybe because it lacks the challenge of doing a shawl or the Yvonne vest. I even caught myself considering trying to learn how to do lace-knitting the other day, just for some more challenge. I must be getting a little cocky! Or maybe a lot.

I'm obviously going to keep on trying to get the blanket ready, though I've been debating doing a knit/purl version of a patern I found on Ravelry to make it a little more interesting, and just to give myself that little bit of challenge. Besides it's based on the logo for my favorite super-hero. ;)

Free pattern of course. Someone created it entirely for fun and fandom.
I just wish I could get a new WOMENS cut T-shirt with that pattern. I've only ever found one, and that was in Hot Topic. Unfortunately it needs a side seam repaired, and I don't really want to replace it with a tank sized mens version.


On a side note; a friend of mine noted in their journal that people 'change' when they get married. Since they've known me since before I was married, I guess there's some basis for them to say so, though I'll be honest and say I don't -feel- like I've changed considerably. I just have less time to 'come out and play', though that really doesn't have as much to do with being married as it has to do with being a Mom-to-be. I've got a lot of things to do and prepare for, and a fair amount less energy, so yeah I'm probably not really as much fun. I've also become a little addicted to doing things I can actually see an end result on, probably as a result of the fact that I've been preparing for nine months for something that I can only feel and see in terms of my clothing not fitting, and an profound opinion on Italian-Sausage-Pasta-Sauce.
Otherwise I dunno. I guess the only real 'change' I can think of is that I feel like I don't have the room or time to be 'selfish'. I've got two other people in my life that I have to worry about, and help take care of, and they have to take priority. Is that maybe the change? Hard to say, since I haven't gotten to talk to this person in the last few weeks. Otherwise I'd ask.

In the mean time I guess I'll continue the blanket, and set my sights on finding someone to con into buying me THIS.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Apple Sputter

So we made some Apple Butter in the crock pot last night, complete with sputtering ((thus the pun)) as several of the apples persistently launched bits of peel across the counter or onto the floor, or into the sliding tray with our trash can. ((it's an awesome set up until you have to retrieve apple peel around a baby belly))

I haven't eaten any yet but I've made the recipe before and I know it comes out fantastic. :d It just takes a very long time to cook. It's definitely worth it though, so there's some in the fridge and some in the freezer.

We also ordered a second car-seat base for "Junior", so that we could more easily transfer his car seat from car to car, and found out Graco makes a stroller that also fits the car-seat. Woo.

With his imminent "D-day", I've put aside Yvonne temporarily after 12 increases, and I'm knitting up a quick Newborn Car Blanket in black and white "Encore" from Plymouth Yarn. This is because although I did make him a 'cozy'... it won't go into the car seat because there's no place for legs, so the blanket CAN go on or over the car-seat, and help keep him warm and non-wind-blasted.
Black and white is because I read in several locations that Newborns eyes are still adjusting, so for a time they actually find the contrast of Black and White more soothing than they find the bright colors they find stimulating later.
The More you know.... etc. Because "Encore" is mostly acrylic, with a dash of wool, it won't be as warm as something with a higher wool content, but it's mostly a stop gap to help, since he'll be wearing other layers as well.

Chaos Express was fun this morning ((She updates Mondays)); for those of you who do not know, the characters are based on friends and acquaintances, always with permission. Included in the comic is yours truly! I feature as one of the "Evil Scientists Union". I'm ESU 314. ((After Pi 3.14....)) and my other good freind is ESU 42. ((Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe.))
So go check it out.