Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just a Sleepy day

It's a pretty sleepy morning so far, and the car-blanket feels like it's completely dragging, maybe because it lacks the challenge of doing a shawl or the Yvonne vest. I even caught myself considering trying to learn how to do lace-knitting the other day, just for some more challenge. I must be getting a little cocky! Or maybe a lot.

I'm obviously going to keep on trying to get the blanket ready, though I've been debating doing a knit/purl version of a patern I found on Ravelry to make it a little more interesting, and just to give myself that little bit of challenge. Besides it's based on the logo for my favorite super-hero. ;)

Free pattern of course. Someone created it entirely for fun and fandom.
I just wish I could get a new WOMENS cut T-shirt with that pattern. I've only ever found one, and that was in Hot Topic. Unfortunately it needs a side seam repaired, and I don't really want to replace it with a tank sized mens version.


On a side note; a friend of mine noted in their journal that people 'change' when they get married. Since they've known me since before I was married, I guess there's some basis for them to say so, though I'll be honest and say I don't -feel- like I've changed considerably. I just have less time to 'come out and play', though that really doesn't have as much to do with being married as it has to do with being a Mom-to-be. I've got a lot of things to do and prepare for, and a fair amount less energy, so yeah I'm probably not really as much fun. I've also become a little addicted to doing things I can actually see an end result on, probably as a result of the fact that I've been preparing for nine months for something that I can only feel and see in terms of my clothing not fitting, and an profound opinion on Italian-Sausage-Pasta-Sauce.
Otherwise I dunno. I guess the only real 'change' I can think of is that I feel like I don't have the room or time to be 'selfish'. I've got two other people in my life that I have to worry about, and help take care of, and they have to take priority. Is that maybe the change? Hard to say, since I haven't gotten to talk to this person in the last few weeks. Otherwise I'd ask.

In the mean time I guess I'll continue the blanket, and set my sights on finding someone to con into buying me THIS.

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