Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So the Capricorn is mostly finished. I need to make horn nubs and a tail fin, but Mini Monster seems enormously taken with it as is. Congrats Knitpicks, he approves of your palate yarn! He and his unfinished capricorn are currently in his swing having a grand old time while I write. It's been a busy day, we went out shopping to get stuff for him at BJ's, and also to get mothers day goodies for his Grandmothers. We settled on earrings and Panera Gift Cards.

I know half of what I'm getting, but not the other half. Half of it is a new "Batman" babydoll t-shirt. My old one wore out, so I'm getting a Batman-Beyond one. I'm seriously looking forward to it getting here.

I also was loaned the DVD's for the A&E series for Horratio Hornblower.

This was classic geek time for me. My sister and I enjoyed listening to my parents read us the Hornblower Novels, and the series was also fun. I'm enjoying geeking to them all over again.