Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Tired Days

 Since Tilmani and I got sick right after new years, I've been having trouble getting my sleep schedule back in line. MiniMonster has had restless nights, and after I get up with him, I'm having a lot of trouble getting back to sleep, and when I do, I've been having unpleasent dreams.

 The night before last I had a very vivid dream about arguing with my sister, so vivid that I woke up angry, and had more vague nightmares in the few times I dozed off after that, and last night, I dreamed I was in a relationship, and that the man I was dating in my dreams turned out to actually still be dating his ex, they were just screwing with me. ((this rapidly turned into MORE angry dreaming.))

  Actually the consistent theme in both dreams was the feeling that someone was manipulating me for their own entertainment, since in the first dream I remember that my (dream)Sister had been attempting to break up my marriage, and black ball me on all our shared internet haunts.

 I guess that says a lot about my private insecurities.

 Anyway as you've probably guessed I'm kinda draggy and not terribly with it, and I would take a nap, but naps tend to make me much much groggier than I started, which is ridiculously frustrating.

 I just want some sleep.

 That failing I might settle for more coffee.


  1. Hope you guys feel better soon and you can get some much needed sleep. Dreams like these can definitly wear a person out!

  2. Tilmani and I are feeling much better, (thank God) X_X and Mini seems to be on the mend but he's still catching up on his fluids and sleep I think. <:) I wonder if we're both just having rough nuts because we're all strung out from the bug.
    Hopefully you can avoid it in your neck of the woods! I've seen some other reports of people with similar symptoms, so it sounds like it's making the rounds.
