Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Insane Products for Kids

Ok recently Grandma S., Ende and I went shopping, and we ended up trolling the toy section looking for stuff that might be fun for Mini monster.

I gotta add: It is RIDICULOUS how much stuff these days is almost completely battery operated. We are not teaching our kids these days to have an imagination, we are teaching them to hit a button like a monkey to set off an Rube Goldberg machine of reactions from a toy.

I just don't see how thats very educational... or terribly fun. You can't alter the pattern in which things happen, you can't make up your own songs on the little toy piano, the toy hammer comes with crazy musical sound effects, the big plastic safe set of cars and tracks is all motorized and mechanized and leaves no room for little kid "Vroom Vrooms"...

I don't remember if it was this bad when I was little but maybe thats why I liked stuffed animals so much. They're very 'make your own special effects'. ((On the other hand if I ever come up with the willpower to actually consecutively make kids toys and sell them on Etsy, I know there are probably at least five other people out there like me who want their kids to be able to play with something that doesn't require batteries.))

And then there's this article:

...I wonder about the world sometimes.

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