Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blather, Rinse, Repeat

Still working on Yvonne from CocoKnits, I'm almost up to 10 increases. ((Out of 21, which makes me feel pretty slow.))
Technically I guess I'm not being that slow, but it feels that way. I am increasingly pleased with my results though, so I guess thats something. Since I've gotten into the swing of things I've only had to back up once or twice when I almost forgot to do an increase, and both times were fairly late at night.

I did end up loosing a bit of sleep last night, although this time not to patern-rage. This time I woke up for no particular reason, then couldn't get back to sleep. I had a vague idea for an knit pattern stuck in my head, inspired by the Briar Rose fable. ((I'd love to mock it up at some point but you'll have to forgive me if I don't do so immediately,)) and while I was combating that to try and get back to sleep, my brain decided it would be a blast to start cycling old show tunes in my head.
"Luck be a Lady" ((Guys and Dolls version)) was one, and there were at least two others. ((I think one was a song from Man of La Mancha I enjoy.))

Today was also novel in other departments: We had the artist of "Chaos Express", Her Husband and their adopted daughter over. Summer apparently thought my Blueberry Muffins were the best part of the trip.

My Husbands sister and her S.O. are downstairs at the moment getting rid of some concrete blocks that were left in our basement. They don't serve a purpose for us at all, and aren't even remotely structural, so away they go to people that can use them! I'm making them some Banana Bread as I type, since I can't help with the blocks. ((Which doesn't bother me that much. Moving my car is cold enough!))

It's actually so cold outside my Husband went out to shovel this morning, and when the wind blew the steam from his breath back in his face, his eyelashes froze together. NOT. FUN. His hair even froze from the same.
This especially for the man who's virtually impervious to cold. He went out for ten minutes later to do the roof rake, and lost the feeling in his fingers. This the man who can't wear a light sweater 99% of the year because it's 'too hot'.

Oh well, everyone's fine and mostly warm now. Thats a releif.

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