Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Monster: Champion of the Universe

So I got out today for a while to go do some nessisary shopping, a lot of it in bulk, for the Mini Monster. It was nice to get out (I got to try the Frosty-chino at Wendy's. It was pretty tasty.)
And realized it's amazing how much you can actually miss someone who's poopy diaper you change at two in the morning.
Anyway, we got a bunch of stuff we needed in quantity, including wipes and formula, and I got a pretty good deal on a thermometer. I also wandered over to the Bookstore, and got some books. Most of them were for Mini Monster, except for the first manga for "Natsube and the Book of Friends". ((I'm already familiar with the series, it's pretty awesome. I want a plush of Nyanko-Sensei. <3
I also bought:
"Danny, Champion of the Universe", "Du'lares Book of Greek Myths", "Aesop's Fables" <-- WITH Morals. Not without. Annnnnnd "Odd and the Frost Giants". I'm only unfamiliar with the last one, but it's a new Gaiman kids book.
I realize Mini Monster is still really young, but he enjoys the sound of peoples voices, and my parents started reading to me early, so I thought I'd continue the tradition, and it will be much more fun for my Husband and I will enjoy reading them more.
Just gotta get a copy of "Hounds of the Morrigan" by Pat O'Shea. Had one before but that belongs to my sister, and the copy was in pretty rough shape as it is. Oh and "Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like". Why is it so hard to find awesome old books these days?

Totally unrelated:
this is why browsing etsy is fun, even if I (virtually) never buy anything.

1 comment:

  1. If you send me a list, I might be able to get some of your wanted books at "The Book Garden" up here. They have A LOT of older, cooler books that you can't find at places like Barnes & Noble and Amazon and whatnot.
