Friday, January 29, 2010

Foo Dogs steaming up the Windows

It's brutally cold outside today, mostly because of the wind, though we've got some warnings that there might be an really intensive storm moving in? I'm not really sure if it will hit us or not though.

I'm back working on the Yvonne sweater. On the one hand I'm going through the balls of yarn fairly fast, on the other hand, I still have six left. Probably five before the end of the night. Really makes you boggle if you stop to think about the yardage involved. I mean thats a LOT of yarn.

We also actually have living room furniture now: An really handsome end table, a couch and a chair. The TV/entertainment equiptment is one of my husbands metal stands. I'm not sure if this one was from a bakery or if it was purchased from a closing clothing store, but it works well for the task. Down the road we'll have to contain the wires and stuff, but it's a good jumping off point, and it's nice to be able to sit in the Living room and look out the big bay window.

One of the other tasks planned is to replace or cover the destroyed wood on the bay window, which has taken quite a lot of damage over time. We have the stuff to do it, it just needs a little time.

Also one of the epic moments of the night was Mini Monster deciding to -growl- in his sleep. Not snore. GROWL. He was snoozing away and we suddenly hear: "errrrRRRRRRRRRRrrr." in an angry little voice. He was fine (we checked.) but it was comical as hell.

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