Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tired again

So... yeah. We had another crazy night. Mini Monster apparently decided to have some kind of stomach problem, and needed two diaper changes for really poopy very uncomfortable diapers during the night, and would not sleep in his own crib. Every time we tried to put him down, he'd wake up crying, no matter how soundly he'd just been asleep with us. It was extremely frustrating for all parties, since we were all incredibly tired. I gave up after about three rounds early in the night, including the diaper change. ((If anyone thought they heard loud, furious screeching, that would have been MiniMonster howling his righteous fury about having his butt wiped.Of course I probably would have been mad too, since...

Photobucket  You get the idea.

 He wasn't too impressed to have cream applied either, but that did help him once he decided to get over the indignation.

 After that I gave up and brought him to bed with us, where he set up another yowl until he found Tilmani with his reaching, grabbed on, and snuggled up to his dad.

 We got a couple hours of sleep after that, before he woke up needing another change, ((This time Tilmani took care of it)) and something like four rounds and a bottle ((At two in the morning)) later, we finally convinced him to sleep in his own bed.

 Of course by that point we were pretty much guaranteed to be total zombies... and we even slept in by half an hour and didn't realize it. OOF.

 Here's hoping things settle down.

 Oh, I've also changed the archiving on the blog: Any thoughts? Does everyone like daily archiving better? Or weekly? Trying to be convenient but also friendly to those people out there who still have slower net.


  1. Let me CRANK up the ole puter and see what my Heather is up to.

    So thats what I heard last night! Aww, I hope MiniMonster feels better soon and everyone gets some much needed sleep.

    I prefer weekly archiving, it helps remind me to add something. Everything... hold on a minute while I turn the crank another notch... looks fine to me! (:

  2. P>S> I execised your fish for you. Edith seems to be ignoring me, probably jealous because Im paying more attention to Henry! (:

  3. *laughs* Poor Edith, don't worry! I'll play with you! ^_^
    Man that kid can pitch a fit when he really wants to though. I'm pretty sure the fire department might call on him if their siren stops working. He's been a sweetie all day though, I'm surprised He's been so good since no one slept too well. X_@
