Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Creamy Onion-Potato Soup, Bedroom Gear, and Growing

So those of you who have been hanging on for the updates about the MiniMonster, you'll be interested to know that he's grown a full two inches since last month. He's got some new winter coats, some little boots, and -had- some nice mittens, but he destroyed one of them in his first time out wearing them, demonstrating that I still need some work on strengthening my end seams to resist his exploring little fingers.

We also had to go get a new set of sheets for our room, since apparently the Laundry Gremlins ((Those little Gremlins who mysteriously make random articles from the laundry vanish from the earth, regardless of where you're sure you left them)) ate one of our fitted sheets.

I got two sets, one in what's called "Willow Green" and another in "Fox Tail Orange", which reminds me less of a fox and more of a rich spice, like Paprika. It's actually a pretty color, and looks pretty good with our green and brown comforter. I think it'll also look good with my white and red-pink quilt. It's white with a pattern of crown vetch on it, so it's a bit girly for Tilmani's taste, but I put it out occasionally anyway. Photobucket

We also ordered MiniMonster a book case. He'll be one pretty soon, and probably walking, so we got an book shelf with a magazine rack styled shelf set up on one side and some plastic bins in red, blue and yellow for him to easily put toys into and out of. ((Probably mostly out of)).

We've also got Thanksgiving and Tilmani's birthday coming up in rapid succession, so planning is underway to try and make sure he gets his own special day in spite of how close it is to Thanksgiving. Wish us luck!

Lastly, we have a recipe to share with everyone!
For lack of a better name: Creamy Onion-Potato Soup!

Onion Soup:

3 onions cut into strips/slivers

3/12 cups chicken Broth

1/3 cup flour

2 cups milk

2-3 cups cheddar cheese




½ cup mashed potato mix.<-- you may wish to add more potato flakes to make it nice, thick and smooth.

2 tbs butter

Slices of Pepperjack

Saute’ the onions in the butter, add the chicken broth and spices, boil, lower temperature and simmer for 20 min. Mix milk and flour, add to soup, add potato mix, cheese, stir until smooth and thickened.

Serve with a slice of pepperjack melting on top.

This soup comes out nice and thick, almost a little more like stew, and would be -fantastic- with a bread-bowl. The pepper amount can be adjusted to taste, since Tilmani and I like it a little spicy.


  1. Hang on let me grab a spoon. I'm going to try this recipe, I love any form of potato soup. Bet you can't wait for MiniMonster to start walking. I will let you know how the potato soup goes, I WILL LIKE IT NO MATTER WHAT, Les... well, he doesn't really like any kind of soup...OH WELL, MORE FOR ME!! (;

  2. Normally I really hate soup, but I've found I'm a lot happier with thicker soups, they seem more 'meal' like. <:) Still can't really stand thin watery ones though.

    I'll definitely be waiting to hear how the soup goes! I also know a really great one, (which we didn't invent) for Baked Potato Soup, another good thick 'meal' of a soup. :3 Love it. <3
    Speaking of which: even Mini liked the Onion soup! He ate some on Sourdough and kept mugging us for more. XD

    I'm a little eager and a little afraid for him to start walking on his own, I think I'll have to seal off the kitchen! Some of the cabinets can't be locked. C_C
