Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm Stylin'

 So according to the wonderful Wanda from the Fickle Forgettery, I've got a stylin' blog! I'll argue with photobucket again in a minute to see if I can add this awesome award to my side bar, but in the mean time, he's me sort of following the rules.

Seven things about me:

1: I didn't start 'officially' role-playing until I was in college. My sister started first, she said I wouldn't like it. 10 years later, I'm still going. I love the cooperative storytelling and unpredictability.

2: I didn't learn to knit until after college, I learned the basic garter stitch from a woman I worked with at the time, and then later learned how to do the purl stitch from Bear and Turtles mother, and then took 'real' lessons with Elsie, who walked me through making my first sweater (In Manos del Urugay yarn, which is quite expensive but so richly colored....) And she also taught me how to make socks on an antique sock machine. Since the machines are SO expensive, (although they're much easier to use than their modern equivalent.) I'm trying to now teach myself how to turn a sock heel. Next I plan on trying to learn Lace Knit. I keep stalling out and getting confused because I can't read the charts easily.

3: When I was growing up I wanted to be the first female president. Or a Jockey. Or a teacher.

4:  I have tried National Novel Writing Month and beat it. (once.)

5: I'm terrified of needles but I kind of want a tattoo. So far the fear of needles has won out.

6: I was engaged once before I married my husband, to a guy I'd known for five years. He turned out to be hiding a lot of negative traits from me for those five years. One day he went to work, and I packed everything I could into my car and drove a couple hours back to my parents place. I left the ring on the kitchen table with a note.

7: I own 4 Batman Shirts and One Batman Sweatshirt. One of the Batman shirts is bubblegum pink.

I also don't know 10 different people to tag, so I'm gonna tag:

 Erica from Adventures in Surrogacy and Liza from Gnome Season.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you did it!
    In #2 you mentioned lace knitting, is that the same thing as lace tatting?
    So.. did you own underoos as a kid? (;D
