Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More Sock Updates

I wish this picture hadn't come out blurry, because the expression is FANTASIC.
Mini Monster is actually on our 'hearth' ((the bricks are level with the floor)) where I caught him trying to break into my yarn stash again. Yesterday he was bound and determined he was going to break in and... well I don't know what his plans were after that because he couldn't get past the zipper on the bag. So he flipped over and used a pile of quilt blocks I'm someday going to make into something for him as a pillow while he goofed around.

Yeah quilting is one of those 'someday I'm going to' projects with an vague time line. Very very vague.

I also have, for those who requested it, more sock pictures! I successfully got the heel turned, even with picking up stitches to reconnect everything, which I admit is one of my least favorite parts of knitting. I'm pretty darn pleased with myself! The next big hurdle will be, I think, closing the toe, since one of the other things I have trouble with is the Kitchener Stitch, to make a seamless closed toe.



  1. AWWW, Mini Monster is soo adorable. Is he about 10mos? Kinda reminds me of my grandson who just started walking and is into EVERYTHING! you can't turn your back for a second. Socks are lookin good. Thank you very much for the extra pictures, lets me see the progress you have made. You are definitly very talented. Let me know how the Kitchener Stick turns out, otherwise just leave the toe open to wear with sandels ;) I would definitly request a picture of that! Have a wonderful day with Mini Monster.
