Friday, March 12, 2010

Inspiration, unfettered by the need for sleep

Have you ever noticed some of the most interesting and surreal ideas hit you when you're awake at some ungodly hideous hour of the morning? Like between two and four in the morning.

Anyway it seems to work that way for me sometimes. I came up with an idea for an 'solo' post for one of my online RP characters at two AM that I absolutely could NOT get out of my head until I wrote it down. 1060 words of stuff I thought of when I would have rather been sleeping.

Also, my sister bought us a copy of Ponyo. That was awesome. Definite nods to the ORIGINAL little Mermaid myth, including the seafoam thing, but cuter and not tragic. And naturally fifty -thousand- times better than Disney. The only thing that seems to come out of Disney films that I enjoy are insidiously catchy tunes. ((Disney fans, please don't kill me. It's true. I hate Disney.))
I think my favorite character was Fujimoto, though I loved the animation and how much work went into some of the smallest things, like the boy wading into the water.

Lastly: A question. Since I became a mom, I've noticed that complete and utter strangers will ask me if I'm Breastfeeding. ((I'm not going to tell you. Sorry.))
...I really want to know what the hell is up with that. I mean it's one thing for my Pediatrician to know... but strangers at the supermarket??? WHY would you ask that?
I haven't chewed anyone's ear off yet but I actually think it's an insanely rude question, and not really anyone's business.
Although the next time someone reaches into my cart and pulls back my son's hood while he's sleeping, I'm gonna smack some fingers. :p

People really have no concept of personal space these days.


  1. Because it's a hot button issue, maybe? Like, I don't think anyone cared until a few years ago when all these celebrities started talking about breastfeeding, talking about the health benefits and such? I agree that it's insanely rude to ask a complete stranger that, maybe they just assume that if they saw them ask Kendra that on E! then it's fair game? D:

  2. It's like walking up to a pregnant woman and just rubbing it without even a "Hello;" just "Aww! -RUB- When are you due?" GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME, YOU CREEP!
