Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Spring is really settling in nicely here, and the weather is BEAUTIFUL. The driveway is a strip of mud, but thats ok, because we kick off our shoes at the door anyway when we get in, and the weather is warm enough that I felt ok putting Mini Monster in one of his slings ((I broke out one of the "Taylor Made" slings with the ring set up.)) and walked up and down the street.

Mini Monster of course slept through the entire thing. He's currently chilling out in his swing watching me type.

He's also smiling now, including without prompting, which is a lot of fun. He's figured out that he can set us off into giggles by grinning.

Its also going to be interesting in coming weeks because I'm going to try and actually run a Table Top campaign for role-playing. Which means I have to either locate my dice or use my husbands. Oh it's so NICE to be married to another geek.

I do have to figure out what to feed everyone though. Hmmm. What's mood food for a prohibition era Pulp Fiction game?

1 comment:

  1. Royale with Cheese. LOL.

    Or do what we do on Sundays; take turns. I have two gamers, plus the hubs. So each of us takes a turn providing the meal. It cuts WAY down on costs and gives everyone a chance to show off their culinary skills.
