Monday, July 16, 2012


 It's been crazy hot recently, ninety degree days and the lot (this has inspired my mom to send me for the seventh or eighth time since I showed it to her years ago, to mail me an article on how they discovered that the world was actually hotter around the Middle Ages than it was for a while afterward.)
 Our garden is doing fabulous, which is fun. Our Corn is right on track and the strawberry plants are doing well... now we'd be doing fabulous if the goddamn Chipmunk would stop stealing the strawberries. Oh I mean the poooor little cute rodent, it's not like there's not wild strawberries, an apple tree we don't eat from, or any other food for him... OH WAIT. THERE TOTALLY ARE. GET OUT OF MY STRAWBERRIES YOU LITTLE SHIT.

 Bean has been enjoying the fruit season, though particularly he's enjoying his share of nice cold fruit from the fridge stuffed in a little strainer bag so he can nom it up without choking himself. It's kind of hilarious watching him cover himself with blueberry juice, and he enjoys chomping frozen mango chunks as a tasty version of a teether. Mango does unfortunately seem to give him super powers...

 Well anyway it makes him wired.

 Otherwise things have been fairly normal. The spot where I brilliantly managed to step on a bee, barefoot is healing fine ((other than deciding to send me into a frenzy of trying to make it stop itching this morning, but that's settled. I just need to leave it alone.))

 Otherwise the other thing I need to play leave-it-alone on is parenting groups. sometimes I find them useful, but it seems more often than not they tend to be a judgy, preachy lot, half of whom I want to smack with something, even on Ravelry and I love hanging out on Ravelry.

 I'm sorry but I just don't see it as a sign of the end times or bad parenting to use:

 1: Disposable diapers over cloth
 2: Strollers instead of Slings ((especially with larger munchkins who have reached spine damaging weights.))
 3: Formula
 4: Food that was not 100% organic with no sugar, salt, or the given OMGBADTHINGOFTHEHOUR.

 Especially number four. One lady was loosing it because day care let her (no allergy or sensitivity) kid have an frozen juice bar. ((Juice, not sugar water.)), another was loosing it because her kid might have ingested -sugar- in a fruit smoothie... one of them was raging because their kid ate a gold fish cracker... another melting down because their kid ate some Jiff instead of freshly-ground-no-salt-no-sugar-no-flavor Peanutbutter...

 I mean lets face it. Sooner or later, we're all going to eat something that's not a green veggie or drippy yogurt that comes in the flavor of 'sour and kind of gross'. Like as not we'll eat a processed hamburger or french fry at least once in our life. We'll consume meat we weren't accustomed to giving the odd carrot to, and god help us, we will probably LIKE the taste of salt, sugar, and fat in our food.

 The world will not end. We will not suffer a instant stroke, we will probably not develop diabetes, or pack on a few stone for sighing longingly at a candy bar. Hell, a few seconds research will tell us that lots of people with weight issues aren't helped much, if at all, by totally cutting everything out and that dieting just makes a vicious cycle. We're learning a lot about people's predisposition toward heaviness and how much of it is genetic and not just food.

 This doesn't make the desire to eat healthy bad, not at all, but at the point where you're creating an virtual religious rage filled inquisition over other people choosing to eat, and let their kids eat, the occasional McMeal, you've crossed a fucking line.
 If you are accusing a mom of feeding her kid poison because they're drinking formula or eating a chicken nugget, YOU HAVE CROSSED A LINE.
 If you are comparing using a stroller or eating a piece of chocolate to neglect and abuse: YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE.

 All around us women are wondering why we can't seem to get ahead or manage to get together to do something about politics that keep cropping up with interesting ways to attack women's rights, or to stop abuse, and I can't help think that it Sure as fuck couldn't hurt if we gave ourselves a good hard smack in the head and stop fighting ourselves. How are we supposed to get ahead as a whole if we're so obsessed and filled with righteous rage over try to out superior each other over really stupid shit?

 Also I'm going to change my password now because APPARENTLY Someone got into this account. I think I know who. HI! I CHANGED MY PASSWORD!

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