Monday, August 8, 2011

Little Red Monsters

Well I'll admit, one of the toys I did NOT want to see in this house was Elmo. In any form.
 That little red monster with his OBNOXIOUS voice and severe case of overmernchandisingitis drives me crazy on levels matched only by Disney crap, because the only thing more overmerchandizsed than Elmo is ANYTHING barfed up by Disney Corp. They even got to 'Cars'... it's terrible, though I'll admit monster has a "Tow Mater" plushie also.

 Anyway, we went to the candy store to drop off a hoodie that Auntie Roo forgot, and while we were browsing the bins of sugary goodies (so tempting), she handed him a little five dollar Elmo doll with a purple shirt that says "Hugs and Kisses".

 Something about that doll was a bigger hit than even his toy cars. He wouldn't put it down for love, money, or candy. He wouldn't even trade it for a big stuffed puppy, and he LOVES stuffed puppies.

 It was a highly calculated move by a manipulative Sales-Auntie, and we ended up leaving with it. He wouldn't even leave him in the car to run errands at Wal-Mart. Nope, that Elmo doll HAD to come with us, only briefly surrendered to a purse ride in temporary favor of some brand new fuzzy footie PJ's. After we got home, I dug him out of the purse and handed him back, where he was received with hugs and kisses, and fed (soggy) cocopuffs while I got the rest of the groceries in from the car. They're currently taking a nap together.


  1. That's an Auntie who works in sales. XD Sorry.
    She's the manager at a candy store. Candy AND plush animals. It's a double blow!
