Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's my Kitchen and I pick the Menu

 So apparently my food whims inspire an occasional round of brattyness, since I bought the ingredients to make my Crock Pot Vinegar BBQ one of the next couple days ((Not tonight though I'm making fresh corn again. The season is too short to miss a good opportunity and I reallllly want more.))

 I'm a little afraid Tilmani will be bored with having corn again so soon, but I might just have to be kinda mean and pull the 'I'm pregnant and I say so' card, which I try not to do. That and if you don't help me plan the menu you eat what I give you. If you don't like it, check out the handy dandy leftover soup in the fridge.

 ...Ok that's me sounding meaner than I think I'd actually be, barring some serious crazy prego meltdown. Still, that's a couple meals this week I'm making purely because I want them. 

 I just feel kinda crazy grumpy and I'm trying to decide if I'm right or wrong about an situation with some paid art.

 I paid good money a while back to get a piece of art from an otherwise very sweet artist. Since that time, three years ago now, maybe a bit more, said sweet artist has dealt with some big issues IRL, including the end of a bad relationship.

 I sympathize with the demise of a bad relationship, but I do not sympathize with it taking three plus years to finish what I paid for... especially since there have since been vacations for the subject and gifts for other people. Gifts. For other people.

 ...I draw the line at gifts for others, especially when you haven't finished the list of things people paid you to do. I think, personally, that if you're going to charge people for art, you owe them that art, and you knuckle down and you DO that art before you go dither around making stuff for other people, especially if people have been waiting for -years- to get that art.

 ...Maybe I'm being crazy and bitchy and judgmental... but damnit. I want my art.

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