Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another Miss

It's starting to feel like Mother Nature might have something against someone, because we spent part of yesterday under an Tornado Watch. We were fortunate again and we only saw a few short, intensive downpours, but other areas took the brunt of the storm, including areas of Massachusetts. I've only seen a couple photos so far but the damage done is... impressive. This after all the flooding from last time.

((The first person who mentions Global Warming, Climate change or any other related theory gets a smack in the head, thank you.))

 Anyway I'm glad it missed us. I kind of remember that we actually had a Tornado go through once when I was really little. We went out on the porch with my mother briefly during the calm and looked around. It was kind of eerie, but pretty cool. We were all fine, by the way. Just very fed up by the time it was definitely passed of sitting in the basement wearing sweat-clothes because Mom insisted we should, just in case.


  1. Sounds like Global Warming to,you can't get me! :p

  2. I know where your facebook is! *shakes fist* XD
