Sunday, May 29, 2011

A little Damp

 Those of you who know I'm a New Englander may (or may not) be pleased to hear that were we live was NOT hit with the insane flooding and storms that claimed some lives, and apparently from the pictures. some vehicles as well.

 ((Apparently a nineteen year old young man was killed by a falling tree while outside trying to clean debris from his driveway. ))

 We did have some rain, and even some thunder, but it was nothing as severe as what apparently hit areas not actually that far from us. I'm extremely grateful for this, because we DO have several large pine trees in the side yard that could -actually- come down on the house. And that would be really bad.

 Otherwise there's not tons to report. I got some fun new pictures of the Monster that I'll post for peoples enjoyment. He's growing like a weed and loves to go outside, which makes it a shame that it's been wet and gross, and therefore alive with mosquitoes and blackflies. It's also unfortunate for Tilmani, who is a buffet for blackflies, and they make him sick. Litteraly. He reacts very badly to being bitten. 

 MiniMonster has been re-introduced to crayons and has discovered that they are WAY FUN. He now has a coloring book and a blank drawing pad, and he actually seems to like the blank pad better. (I don't blame him.) The only problem we're really having is that he tends to drop the crayons he's not using on the floor, then he gets mad when he wants them back and can't reach them. ((His artistic endeavors are limited to his high chair and tray because... well... white paper... large white blank living room walls..... 1 + 1 = Mom Doesn't want to Scrub crayola off the paint.

 We'll also be joining my In laws for a Memorial Day BBQ at their place, and getting to see the work they've had done on their kitchen, now mostly finished. Man what an adventure they've had on that front. First the contractor 'neglected' to order the cabinets when they were selected, in spite of having all required measurements and the like, and since he didn't order them, lost that chance when they abruptly stopped making them, requiring my poor Mother in law to go pick NEW cabinets because he didn't order them. They also destroyed THREE microwaves ((the contractors)) by slamming them into things, and last I heard had made the brand new stove stop working, because after installing it, they pulled it BACK out to do something, and when they put it back it didn't work. Given the microwaves... one suspects poor handling. Sounds like they DO have water back in the kitchen though after months. This makes me extremely nervous of what it's going to be like if we ever decide to remodel the kitchen. X_X

 Granted I tend to be a little more ready to share my displeasure when I feel like someone needs to fix the mess they made, so maybe things would go a little differently, but who knows.

 Oh and MiniMonster should be all excited, his Auntie is now the Manager of the Candy store where she works. Go Auntie Roo!

 And now pictures! One of them has a link to an appropriate song. ;)

MiniMonster and Nana J.

Crayola, Crayola

Visiting the Neighbors

Helping out Daddy

The Strong Men


  1. Mini Monster is getting sooo big! I love the picture of him pushing his lawn mower.=)

  2. Isn't it incredible? He's growing like a weed!! <3333 He likes to turn over his mower and 'fix' it too. XD <3
    He's going to be such an awesome big brother.
