Monday, March 7, 2011

The Revenge of Winter

 So apparently there was a new attack of winter weather last night, only it missed our town... but about five miles. If you head five miles north of us, more or less, everything is covered in ice and there are trees down everywhere, including closed roads.

 Auntie Roo and Grandma S actually spent about an hour chopping a tree out of their driveway, only to find other roads are closed, so they went to town to get water and stuff in case the power goes out. Supposedly it's supposed to clear up after tomorrow, but it sounds like things are really messy in the mean time, which unfortuantely means I have to put off going and getting my photos and *cough* the new Pokemon game.

Also: I can't beleive it took a study to figure this out.


  1. Im pretty sure we are all in for a rough spring, IF IT EVER GETS HERE!!

    Great website, I will definitly be checking it out more! :)

  2. BTW, I recieved a comment from the one and only The Bitchy Waiter!! Im pretty sure he thought I might be stealing one of his post and title, but who cares, at least he left lil ole me a comment!!

  3. Oh really! I'll have to check it out! You're in the big times now!
