Friday, December 31, 2010

Ringing In the New Year

We're ringing in the new year with surprisingly warm weather ((50 degrees or so)), some new games ((check out Holding Pattern)), a cold beer and the X-files movie.

 We watched pretty much the entire series, so it's kind of interesting to see what they do with the whole movie thing. Maybe not the most traditional means of ringing in the New Year, but hey, we're geeks, what do you want?

 MiniMonster has had a busy day, and he's sleeping right now. He also outgrew his 12 month clothing for the most part, except for the few with nice button necks to give them more room. The other ones are too squinchy and he gets really upset if you try and put them on. He even outgrew all of his 12 month footies, and he's not even 12 months old yet. Big guy!

 We went on a major shopping spree this week to buy him upgraded stuff, and made some good finds. He also has Batman PJ's now. ((We got them in two sizes so he wouldn't outgrow it quite as fast.))

 He also made a point of picking himself some (largely green) Dino and Monster socks. That was kinda funny. <3 Oh and he convinced Auntie Roo's good friend Lil' to buy him an incredibly cute stuffed tortoise at Kohls. It was kind of impressive to see him in action, since Lil', like Auntie Roo, isn't entirely comfortable around small children not having handled them very often, and especially because he's been in clingy, anxiety mode lately. I know it's normal for kids, but it's frustrating for everyone I think, him too.

 And we still haven't figured out what kind of cake we're going to make him.

 I do recommend that even the non geeks check out Echo Bazaar though. It's fun, kind of Lovecraftian and turn based, and easy to master. Less tricky and thought involved than Die2Nite and it's zombie glory, but definitely addictive. I'm having a blast.

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