Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You know it's kinda funny, I don't remember car dealers being so... pushy, when I was growing up. I can't remember either of my parents ever getting called and asked if they want to upgrade to a newer model before the last couple years.

 I just got that call.

 Granted we have kind of been considering getting a larger vehicle, but we don't really know what kind yet.

 So yeah I was just a little... well not confused. Just a little surprised. Generally I don't expect to get a call from a dealer unless there's an actual problem, and that problem is not: HEY CAN WE SELL YOU A NEW CAR??

 I'll tell my husband about it but I was careful not to tell them exactly when he'd be home or when they could call back.


  1. I have never heard of car dealers doing this but I never buy from cold callers. The fact they are doing it rings alarm bells.

  2. I'm probably going to avoid that particular dealer. It changed ownership after my parents and I bought our cars there and they started doing this, and I'm really unimpressed. They also changed the lay out of their waiting area, which was frustrating for me, since all the sudden twice as much crap is at perfect toddler level, and none of it is exactly toddler appropriate.
