Monday, December 13, 2010

Cold Toes and Stuffy Nose

The MiniMonster has a cold, so I'll save you the horrors of one of his 'just sneezed' pictures. They're pretty sloppy right now, but that's probably what he gets for trying to chew on cart handles every time I reach for something at the store. :/

 I'm trying to prevent him from doing that but I'm only human... and I'm not the kind of person who wants to shut him in a Lysol soaked bubble.

 The tree is now fully decorated and looks pretty awesome. We turned off the living room lights last night ans showed it to the Monster. He was crying at the time but stopped when we brought him in and showed him the tree in the dark, all lit up with colorful little pinpricks and cool blue glowing snowflake lights. I suspect he'll like it even better when there are toys underneath for him to rip the crinkly paper and tissue off of.

 I'm going to make another 'food run' later today and drop more food with some of my relatives. Crock Pot BBQ and some loaded mashed potatoes, the potatoes in little single serve bowls.  ((Thank you locking lids!))

 I also made a new post at Holding Pattern, and I actually pulled in a big old rant on that one, because it's something I've been subject to, and it's really annoying. I guess in some ways Role Play communities can be a lot like being back in school, only the players aren't always high school aged. It may well be the age of the geek because I can name any number of players, male AND female, who are thirty and up, as well as under thirty.

 I think that says a lot for us not shutting our imaginations in a box... and that's kinda cool.

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