Well, we survived Halloween! Unfortunately my costume didn't quite make it until the Trick or Treaters arrived. We had part of the game group over, though one of our members couldn't make it, and will be out of the running for a while thanks to other "Real Life" necessities. ((Darn that RL stuff, getting in the way of a good game.))
Because he's going to be out for so long, we're going to switch over to playing a game we haven't run for a while, and jump back into the Star Wars universe.
I realize there's a running rumor that you can't be a fan of both Star TREK and Star WARS, but I don't agree. I'm a fan of both, though the Star Wars system lends itself more to roleplay IMHO. But then I've never tried a game set in the Trekiverse.
So yeah, we had part of the guys over, and since we were figuring out how to best handle a players extended absence without writing his character out (We didn't think that would be fair, because it would put him way behind in levels when he came back.) We watched some shows together, ate ourselves silly on candy, Crock Pot BBQ, and other goodies.
Turtle even brought us some Ramune soda, which I love. Apparently he discovered a candy store where they have bushels of Ramune and Pocky, and other candy goodies. He didn't spot the Pocky but his brother did, so I teased him that in penance he needs to bring us a selection of good Pocky for next game.
We also had Karen, Tom and Summer over, they came by and trick-or-treated, and had some food with us. Summer concluded that the chicken was "Too 'picy", and would have prefered to dine entirely on candy, which she wasn't allowed to do. There was an small chase with a carrot stick too. She was rather determined that she'd get all her sustenance from Sweet Tarts and Nerds, and her mom was pretty determined that at the least there would be some carrot in there too.
MiniMonster sort of enjoyed the attention, but after a while it got to be kind of too much and he turned clingy and upset... and eventually quietly spit up on my costume. He doesn't spit up much these days, so it's a pretty good indicator he's had quite enough of 'That' thank you.
He went to bed shortly after that, fussed for about two minutes and conked out for hours.
We all had a blast, and we actually did get some trick or treaters, who were quite ecstatic about discovering that we had full sized candy bars. Eyewidening and gasps of amazement were a -lot- of fun.
We've still got a good chunk of candy left over, since we didn't get that many, but I bet we get some repeat customers next year. ;)
MiniMonster is such a cutie! Glad you all had a fun halloween.